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Need help with rocket tooling!


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yep... jk :o


So basically the universal set simply will not perform correctly using screen mixed bp?

Edited by coogan1997
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The weakest powder I have successfully flown a rocket with on the universal spindle was 70/20/10, screen mixed with commercial airfloat charcoal with a nozzle.
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The only charcoal i have on hand is ERC charcoal that i made which should work even better :D


My God, I'm sooo indecisive! I still can't manage to choose between the 4oz and 8oz set :wacko:

Edited by coogan1997
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My vote is for the 8oz. Set. It will still lift the three inx h shells fine with weak powder and then you have the option of lifting some small cylinders and light fours.
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Have you tried rolling your own? I used to be able to get a stick, tube and 3" hemi for a 3/4" rocket for about $3 shipped, but the prices on NEPT are going up, regardless of shipping costs down to you. There has also been recent concern about the quality of new batches of NEPT. For me, the smaller tubes are still affordable for regular use, but 1" and larger are getting pricey. I want to be able to make my own tubes before considering 1.5" or 2" motors.

Are Phil's spiral wound tubes any good? I mean they aren't that much cheaper than NEPT

Edited by coogan1997
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I haven't looked at the prices lately, but if they're close in price... I'd buy the NEPT.


I wouldn't buy those spiral tubes from Phil unless they were less than half the price of NEPT. I've had too many issues with them for the rockets I like to make.



Others have had ok results, and some may even have good results...





Your giant rocket set arrived today... thank you sir.

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Ok, its definitely NEPT then!

Edited by coogan1997
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For 1" ID tubes (3 pound) the prices are:


Hobby Horse - $70 - 30 motors ($2.33 each)

Phil's General Store - $17.20 - 10 motors plus scrap ends ($1.72 each)


In this case, I'd definitely buy the ones from Hobby Horse... but having both is useful too. I have a bundle of Phil's tubes, just for stuff I don't want to waste a NEPT tube on.

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ddewees, I've seen a couple of your videos on IBP and that shit is scary! But I was wondering what exactly is "IBP" ?


I checked earlier and for 160 8oz tubes, the ones from phil were only 20 bucks less.


I bet shipping on phil's tubes is cheaper on those bigger tubes because of the length

Edited by coogan1997
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"IBP" rockets don't work in Phil's tubes... I already tried that and they all cato'd.


IBP is a standard bp rocket motor, with 60% bp, 30% flash powder and 10% mg/al.


There wasn't a name for it, and most people wouldn't even make them... so I just started calling them "Insane Black Powder"... and "IBP" seemed to stick.



Seymour came up with them, but was using them in nozzled rockets or something like that. For me, they work best on standard bp tooling. They don't seem to scale well either... I had poor results with 3/4" rockets using the same tooling and propellant. For some reason, 1 inch ID motors scream...

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"IBP" rockets don't work in Phil's tubes... I already tried that and they all cato'd.


IBP is a standard bp rocket motor, with 60% bp, 30% flash powder and 10% mg/al.


There wasn't a name for it, and most people wouldn't even make them... so I just started calling them "Insane Black Powder"... and "IBP" seemed to stick.



Seymour came up with them, but was using them in nozzled rockets or something like that. For me, they work best on standard bp tooling. They don't seem to scale well either... I had poor results with 3/4" rockets using the same tooling and propellant. For some reason, 1 inch ID motors scream...


Holy cow that must be some HOT propellant !! So each on of your 3lb ibp rockets have close to 40g of flash in them?!?!?! :o :excl:

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Now that makes some real rockets! :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

Where the heck do you find tubes for that?


You definitely have to record one of those!

Edited by coogan1997
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You might want to add an inch or two of visco fuse to those rockets. :)

I'm thinking a cato with one of them will result in a plos (pant load of sheet).

Edited by oldspark
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It doesn't even make any sense...


16" Shell with only 12 lbs of flash???

I was thinking the a same thing.

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Same here. If you watch the video a lot of things don't add up. #1 the shell looks fake, and sounded sort of hollow at one point. I'd at least hope so if they store it in the living room. I've never seen a real shell that shiny or lacquered. #2 they claim there is 12lbs of flash and the shell only weighs 42lbs. That's pretty low for a 16", which average probably closer to 70lbs. Even if there is bulk filler, 30lbs or so seems overkill #3 they claim there are stars in there as well. 12lbs of flash will kill the stars. If it's a smaller "bottom shot" salute, it may make sense, but I got the impression that they think it's all breaking at once.

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30 second flashy intro for a 2 minute video, the shell still waiting for fire a year later...


I smell fish, or it that the smell of Youtube bait for more subscribers.

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Has anyone actually made a salute of that magnitude?

Edited by coogan1997
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