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what do you do with?


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hello, I am new to the hobby. I have been reading about pyro for about a month. One question I have is, what do you do with contaminated paper from diapering mixes? I assume it is haz mat. is it burned? Papers used for metals and oxidizing agents in seperate trash? thanks. I have had trouble finding infomation about this. thank you all.

Edited by longbeard
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I just burn mine, or save it for the next batch. Its not a big deal. You could just throw it away im sure as long as you got all the powder off.

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At club events when we build, we always keep 2 trash bins. One for hot trash and one for everything else. Any thing that is contaminated with dust from mixing or drying is burned in a safe burn pile along with spent cakes. Both would be hazardous in the general trash. Edited by nater
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Thanks nater. That is the info I was looking for. I am just studying general safety. seems like a logical start point for a newcomer to the hobby. thanks again.

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I personally will recommend that you screen the comps, which can be done onto the paper. If it's something you will mix again, no harm in keeping the sheet for next time. Usually very little will actually stick to the paper, and it can always be wiped off with a damp paper towel. Generally, most pyro trash is best disposed of by burning.

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