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Guessing this Glitter?


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I made this shell below at a club event and it used the club's stars that are available to the members. The containers in their mag don't give any formulas considering just about all of the material was donated by companies like Rozzi.


My question for you guys is, what formula does the glitter look like? I was thinking probably one of the Winokur's could achieve similar results. Since some of you have experience using formulas that use Trisulfide, could that be a possiblity? It almost looks like it's a charcoal-based glitter as well considering it does have some willow-looking sparks in it. I could be wrong though.


Edited by LambentPyro
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D1 perhaps?

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King Glitter?

Potassium Nitrate 48
Sulfur 17
MgAl 200 mesh 12 (like portland cement)
Charcoal (pine) 10
Sodium Bicarbonate 5
Iron Oxide red 4
Dextrin 4

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"King's glitter" is winokur 20 that someone here gave another name to unnecessarily. Also it has absolutely no tail to speak of.


Honestly, I'd start with Lancaster Yellow Glitter. It gives a similar effect in my opinion with the shimmering glitter, and some degree of charcoal tail. I suspect the charcoal tail will be effected by the charcoal type and how fine it is. You could probably bring it out a little more by using a tail specific charcoal like pine. I included a few notes I have stored with it, some of which may have came from passfire.


Lancaster Yellow Glitter


Meal Powder 70
Sodium Oxalate 10
Antimony Trisulfide, Chinese needle 8
Aluminum, atom, spher, 120-325 mesh, 20 micron 7
Dextrin 5

Gold, fine grained glitter with long tail.

Converting meal to components will result in a slightly less dense glitter with longer duration.

Converted to meal components:

KNO3 - 52.5
C - 10.5
S - 7
Sodium Oxalate 10
Antimony Trisulfide, Chinese needle 8
Aluminum, atom, spher, 120-325 mesh, 20 micron 7
Dextrin 5


Pumped comets: dampen 10%, 1000g yields ~100 3/4" dia x 7/8" comets

1000g yields ~50 1" x 1" comets

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Is there any concern of hygroscopicity of that formula because of the Sodium?


Should probably add that those stars were rolled.

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