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Fraudulent credit card activity associated with online pyro purchases?


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During the month of June, I made several purchases of materials and tools to support my new hobby. One of those purchases, from PyroDirect, was flagged by my credit card provider as suspicious and they requested confirmation, which I provided. Subsequently, when I later went to PyroDirect to consider some additional purchases, both Google and my employer's firewalling service flagged pyrodirect.com as a suspicious site.


This morning, I received an email from my credit card provider informing me a number of suspicious transactions involving my account. They were all fraudulent. I followed up with my cc provider and those purchases were declined and the card number invalidated.


I do not know for certain that these fraudulent purchases originated from my transaction with pyrodirect.com, but just a heads up that there *may* be an issue with them. Has anyone else encountered a similar circumstance following a purchase from pyrodirect.com?


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It's been a couple months ago but so far I had a "clean" transaction with PyroDirect.

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I've ordered from PD plenty of times as well as some of the other pyros I know. We never had a problem

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It's also possible the transaction was snooped, or pyrodirect got hacked (or data stolen by disgruntled employee) and the financial information was used fraudulently.


I used my credit card for a FBI check one time and right after I got a bunch of fraudulent purchases on my card too.

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I've had multiple transactions with pyrodirect, all have been most satisfactory.

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I've never had a problem with Pyro Direct. It was probably a hack. But it's a good reminder to everyone about the hazards of plastic. Mostly its safe, but NEVER use a debit card if you can avoid it. You have much better protection with a credit card. One time I paid for a meal in a restaurant with a debit card - not even online - and the next day my checking account was cleaned out and overdrawn. I got the money back, but it took a while, and meantime I couldn't pay bills.

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I use a prepaid card to do my online purchases so if that happened I am not out a lot of money
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