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Glitters Chemistry and Technics L. S. Oglesby


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I read the book Glitters -Chemistry and Technic by Lloyd Scott Oglesby during last week and found it to be quite interesting and also feels that he did quite a god work on this thematic. Judging from the thinks he states and the common formulas it also looks like everything should be valid, at least for pyrotechnics means.


Did someone else read this and can confirm this or has any other thoughts on this book?

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There is no doubt that there is a lot of technical info in the book which I tried to read. It is a bit over load for my liking. It is interesting how glitter is formed and how he gets into the materials and their interactions. I would much rather rely on interaction on the boards at times. In part, the materials such as the type of aluminum or who manufactured it may have changed. For me to get THAT involved in glitter right now would be a poor choice of priority. And may be so for several years. I think I've had that copy for 6 or 7 years.


This is one of those reads that come with the disclaimer "Caution, may bore the crap out of you with technical detail" and rightly so. I don't regret buying it because have value to its content. But it will be saved as a resource for when pondering and not so much a resource to occupy my time in the lu!



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