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Merlin still trying for first base


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I have ordered a heavy duty 12 lb mill and ceramic media for my BP. I will be using willow charcoal. 1. Can anyone make a suggestion as to the best way to reduce the lump willow to milling size?

2. Also, I read a recipe where the sulfur and charcoal are milled alone, then the potassium nitrate is added proportionately + 6% water (total mixture weight) to wet during the ball milling. Is the water really a safety precaution and is it necessary or would it render a hotter BP. My notion was that all three chemicals were dry milled together and then water added to the meal powder to granulate the end product. I am first trying to perfect BP for use as lift. 3. Also, what is the best grain size for lift and burst? 2FA or something a bit coarser? I want to make shells in the 2 to 3 inch sizes- seems safer for a beginner. I apologize for asking so many questions.

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1. Potassium nitrate mixed with 10% of coal by weight.

2. Sulfur mixed with the remaining coal.

1 and 2 separately ball mill and then mix well.

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For reducing the lump charcoal there are two very easy ways. First Put charcoal into a zip lock back, squeze out air, put into a bucket and pound onnit with a 4x4" wooden post. Or if they fit put them into a meat grinder.

Then use this and chuck it into your ball mill with your bp indegriendts.


For small shells better use a finer granulation like 4fg to ffg. 2 FA is better for bigger shells

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I have ordered a heavy duty 12 lb mill and ceramic media for my BP. I will be using willow charcoal. 1. Can anyone make a suggestion as to the best way to reduce the lump willow to milling size?

2. Also, I read a recipe where the sulfur and charcoal are milled alone, then the potassium nitrate is added proportionately + 6% water (total mixture weight) to wet during the ball milling. Is the water really a safety precaution and is it necessary or would it render a hotter BP. My notion was that all three chemicals were dry milled together and then water added to the meal powder to granulate the end product. I am first trying to perfect BP for use as lift. 3. Also, what is the best grain size for lift and burst? 2FA or something a bit coarser? I want to make shells in the 2 to 3 inch sizes- seems safer for a beginner. I apologize for asking so many questions.



1 - as suggested above, a meat grinder or 4x4 in a bucket to break the willow lumps down. I find willow charcoal to be very hard.


2 - No need to add water during milling. Add water after milling to granulate. All the BP components can be milled together at same time.


3 - for 2-3 inch shells, 4FA grain sizing is common. 2FA used for 4" shells and up. Larger shell size allows larger grain size but there are exceptions.


Are you planning to use a binder in your BP?

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Yes I have been using Dextrin.By the way I am a shooter so I am most familiar with Fg,FFg,FFFg and FFFFg. Is 4FA equivalent to Fg?

Edited by Merlin
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Is 4FA equivalent to Fg?


Not at all close. Here is a chart from Skylighter that may help with sizing.




edit: I stand corrected, mea culpa.

Edited by Bobosan
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