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lifting Shells


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OK, so i wanted to know the size of the rocket required for different shell sizes. Anyone have a handy list?

And the fuel would be 71/13/13 Kno3 , Charcoal , Sulfur.

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You would need to experiment. There is no one size fits all answer. Your BP may lift a particular sized rocket whereas somebody elses won't. Grain size, charcoal etc all make a difference to your rocket motor power as does choke size. I would suggest that you start off with a case about 3/4 inch I.D. The larger the rocket, the slower burning the mix in general as a larger surface area produces more gas.

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While there is no 1 size fits all answer to this question, there is a general guideline that keeps giving you a reasonable estimate of lift capacity.


Rocket size / Payload
2oz / 1/2oz
4oz / 1 oz
8 oz / 2-3oz
1lb / 4-6oz
2lb / 8-10oz
3 lb / 12-14oz
4 lb / 16oz
6lb / 18-24oz


I have very little testing to relate it to, generally i've been launching my stuff from mortars. But the above is supposedly as accurate as anything can be, when your KNO3 can be anything from fertilizer grade, to pure, your charcaol can be anything from undercooked hardwood to overcooked softwood, and your sulfur can be... Well, gardening supplies, or pure. It's at best ruff estimates, and you'll have to figure out exactly what your stuff is good for. Oh, and it's ONLY a reference for cored BP rockets. Anything else, and your all on your own again. (As if you weren't in the first place...)


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