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i live on the coast. I was thinking of stump remover if i can find it, bunnings maybe. Where shall i go?

...I dont want heaps of it, just 200g -500g

only my first attempt at making BP

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There are a few topics on this. Use the search feature or just look around a bit more carefully.


But nonetheless. I was having difficulties with getting KNO3. But now I am in luck. Hydroponic stores would be probably the easiest place to get KNO3. Some Stump removers do have KNO3 in them but make sure they do. I personally now realized my Dad has some all along at work. Where I work too :P. He needs it for re-plating musical instruments or something. So I would just go to the chemist and buy it. But I have realized most chemists don't sell KNO3 anymore. But there's chemists which are called "Compounding Chemists" which should have it and it is pure. Agricultural places also sell it


But by far the easiest in getting it with rather little problems would be your hydroponic store. But make sure you are 18+ if your not they probably won't sell it to you. So bring a parent or someone. Even though I am older than 18 I still look pretty young and they wonder why 18-25 year olds are buying saltpeter. Best to have someone which is like 30ish + to make it look like your using it or everyday needs. From other posts I have heard sometimes they call it Nutrient "Letter". But I am sure not all hydroponic stores would do this. Best to just ask for potassium nitrate.You may need to purify it or such but that depends. I find this a good reference for purifying it and it also tells you some ways of obtaining saltpeter. http://krimzonpyro.com.ve.carpathiahost.ne...esdir/kno3.html

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i am using spectracide brand stump remover and it works pretty good in my BP, i got mine from walmart, so lowes or homedepot should have it also.
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caleb, why you start two threads on the same topic, when your question was answered on the last topic.


In Aus you cant get stump remover that contains KNO3 (The stump remover at my local hardware store contains Kerosene).


You will NOT be able to find it at "Bunnings" or "Mitre 10", you need to go to a Hydroponics store or Fertillizer supply store.


Look in the telephone book for a Hydroponic stores, their will be some nearby.

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Most Stump Removers you need to purify to get good Black powder. I just recommend you buy it at the chemist (Which can be hard but there are chemists which have it) or you buy it as fertilizer 13-0-44 I believe. Some which would be pure already.Then if you cannot find any other sources of KNO3 then buy stump remover.


It's really not that hard to obtain. I reckon most hydroponic stores would have it. Probably 95% of them. If you go to two hydroponic stores you are practically guaranteed to find it.

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