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Stars blowing blind after heavy priming


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I recently got a few rainbow peony shells made. I used Veline and brilliant star comps all cut. I primed these with about 3 layers of monocapa, 1 layer of step prime (monocapa and bp with 5%mgal) and then followed by 2 layers of hot slow bp with 5% mgal. I coated these stars with a lot of meal d after placing them in my shell too. About 3/4 of the stars did light but you can see towards the left that a lot didnt. I dont really know what Im doing wrong here as it seems strange that it wouldnt work, it was only a 3 shell with very hot mcrh and a tiny pinch of flash (0.2-0.4g) I dont think my chemicals are bad as they were purchased from a highly trusted source. Any ideas?




Video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTgcBQaBqCs

Edited by asdfd
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Could the star priming really be the only culprit? What is your shell diameter and main burst charge? Have you checked for complete dryness of your stars? Are you making the final meal layer kind of rough (feeling like sandpaper). That will increase the chance of ignition.

If you already did this, suspect burst charge density. Are you using a burst carrier? If using paper as separation, is it tissue paper? I'd use rice hulls coated BP even on small 3" shells, then booster to taste.

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To add a little to 50AEs post, I encountered the same issues at first, and it turned out to be crappy / insufficient spiking and pasting in of the shells. Adding a couple more layers of paper and string (if doing cylinder shells) went a long ways for allowing stars to ignite before the shell burst.


Also, have you tried not adding extra meal-d into the shell with the stars? I'd imagine it could at best - SLOW flame propagation between stars, and at worst - BLOCK flame propagation. That could potentially result in blind stars - my understanding is that the stars are taking fire in the milliseconds prior to the shell bursting (i.e. important to have adequate containment thru pasting and spiking), if flame propagation is slowed or prevented, the the stars don't get ignited. (I feel like I read this in F.A.S.T.)



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