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Star Slag, and a few other questions


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I just made my first set of stars today. Using one of Skylighter's Reds, I made the measurements to the mark and mixed it all very well. But when I started to push it through my 4-mesh screen, the stars sort of drooped and ended up in almost a tear-drop shape once they were all the way through the screen. I'm just starting so I'm obviously gonna make mistakes, but if someone can tell my why this happened and how to fix it, It'd be much appreciated. Also, once they're were dry and tried to light one and it burnt perfeclty with a very lice red, but when it was done it left a pile of white-black slag/ash the size of the star that was lit. Not sure if this is supposed to happen with the recipe I used, but if you can help, that'd be great.


Here's the comp I used:


Red Star: 30 Potassium Perchlorate, 30 Magnalium, 20 Strontium Carbonate, 15 Parlon, 5 Red Gum (Bind with 22% Acetone)

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Parlon is to blame for both of those issues. Parlon bound stars, by virtue of being quite literally made of rubber, are always sort of rounded when screen cut. Something about parlon binding makes more ash, and can leave a tail in the air. My theory is it creates larger chunks after dissolving it. Similar types of thing can happen if you have coarse bits of parlon in your stock, and don't remove them.


The formula you mention is a bastardized version of Buell Red. http://www.amateurpyro.com/forums/topic/10591-help-me-settle-on-a-red/?do=findComment&comment=140876 I assure you that when made with the original formula and bound with water it's clean burning and as pretty cubic.

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As long as there is dextrin in the formula you can bind it with water. Do you have strontium nitrate? If so here is a good formula that can be bound with either acetone or water :


50 strontium nitrate

18 magnalium

16 parlon

10 red gum

5 dextrin

Yes, you can use 75/25 water/alcohol. The drying time is on par with most other dextrin bound stars (but not nearly as long as charcoal type stars)

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Wouldn't that be better bound with alcohol using the red gum rather than dextrin/water since SN is so hygroscopic?

Inquiring minds want to know...

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I'm using Strontium Carbonate Marine, I think he was responding to my question.


Sorry, he had nitrate in the formula listed.

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I bound that formula a number of times with water and it's always worked fine. Oldmarine, the video of my shell you watched was that formula bound with water.

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I'll give it a try because I'm tired of sticky Parlon stars myself though I'm cutting some tomorrow so I'll have enough for the weekend festivities.
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There is one catch though; they have to go into a drying box. Yeah, I've been busting butt trying to get stuff done. Every time I turn around, there's something I'm out of... polverone, spolettes, flash for spiking burst charges, black match, ect. ect. ect

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