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Beginning with shells, lots of questions


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I plan to make 3inch ball and cylindrical shells in coming few months.

I want to use a spollete as time fuse is not available here.

Is 5/16 spollete tool available at Caleb website appropriate for 3inch shells? Also, what is the size of spollete required for various shell sizes?


What kinda chip board is required for making end discs?


We get cotton twine here. How many ply cotton twine is required for spiking?


Best regards

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If you really are interested in building cylinder shells, I'd suggest investing in Pyrotechnica IX and XI. They have all the details you're looking for.

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Check out the member tutorial section on this forum, lots of good information.

Then look at youtube for the channel of ned gorski and bangkok pyro.


If you do not hesitate to spend the money get a passfire subscription lots of good informations on there.

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This is is a great video on making these smaller cylinders.


He's building his with a bottom shot, but making a single break of color is even easier. You'll need a former to roll up your case, and you'll want some 1/8" chipboard to punch disks out of. Note that most people don't spend the time of "brick laying" the stars in a 3" shell all perfectly like Ned does. See Dan Creagan's picture article on making a 4" single break of color with no paste: http://creagan.net/fireworks/pastelessshells.html

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I have the 5/16inch spollete tool and tube from Caleb. Can this be used in a two inch cylindrical shell

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Watch the second video. Everything Ned does is straight out of Pyrotechnica by aka the Fulcanelli Papers.
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As for question about the 2" shell. That size spolette should be fine. Just make sure the fire giving end is only inside about 3/4" so you have enough room to fill in and around it plus burst charge.
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