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I got myself a pyro cat (emotional BS ahead)


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Hey there, fellow pyro-enthusiasts :)


Don't worry, I'm not here to talk about setting anything on fire. I am talking about a real-life cat, that has become mine BECAUSE of pyro.


I just want to share this with you, or anybody, because it means a lot to me.
I guess I got a little Crazy Cat Woman in myself :D


2 weeks ago; last friday to be accurate, I was in my workshop doing some pyro. As usual.

When I got out of the workshop, a cat (a kitten) somehow managed to slip in unnoticed. So, he got locked in, sealed up, never to smell the fresh air again.


Lucky for him, 3 days later, I got a few supplies that I had to put in the workshop.

When I opened the door, the cat immediately jumped out, happy to see the daylight again.


But he immediately knew that I was the one who opened the door, and set him free.

I remember noticing his extremely cuddly behavior back then, and thought to myself:

"Is he just happy right now, or is he actually thanking me?"


Well, after that, he hasn't moved from me. He stays close to me at all times. Always cuddly, and I noticed that he trusts me completely. I can do ANYTHING to him, and he doesn't even look up at me to check if I am angry or just teasing.

And if he suddenly realizes he can't see me, he starts meowing and acting insecure. (The people I live with told me this)


He has surely conquered my heart, by surrendering himself to me this way.

I named him "Poof", because he was so close to disappearing, and by that he magically appeared into my life.


Sorry for this load of emotional BS. I just wanted to share this with somebody :)

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The pets that choose you are always the best. I had a cat who ran in my apartment one cold morning and never left. I am not much of a cat person, but she played fetch and would always greet me at the door when I came home. I was pretty sad when I had to put her down due to heart failure which was related to an exposure to the feline leukemia virus. Congrats on the furry friend joining your family.
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  • 2 weeks later...

My cats are much smarter than me. I have had cats for over 40 years, and they never fail to amaze me. They seem to know when trouble is in the forecast, and prepare for the worst. They get up at the crack of dawn, go hunt, take care of their kittens, and go to bed at sunset. I have yet to see one of them sit in front of a computer like I do and waste time.

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Cats aren't my favourite animal, but I respect them.


I'll never forget a powerful incident one time at a party I was invited to. They had a cat, sitting in the middle of the room, raised on a set of beautiful gold trimmed cushions. Long neck, surveying all as it saw, and master of it. It was a Siamese Cat. It freaked me out - It just looked around the room as though it was master and we were all subordinate to it.



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  • 1 month later...

Cats aren't my favourite animal, but I respect them.


I'll never forget a powerful incident one time at a party I was invited to. They had a cat, sitting in the middle of the room, raised on a set of beautiful gold trimmed cushions. Long neck, surveying all as it saw, and master of it. It was a Siamese Cat. It freaked me out - It just looked around the room as though it was master and we were all subordinate to it.



Dogs have owners - cats have caretakers. :D

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Tell that to the cat. <_<

You don't have to. Every cat behaves like that from the get go.

Another way to put it is simply that the cat owns the home, and your allowed to share it, as long as you feed the cat...


I don't like cats, if i want an irrational creature to share my life with, then it better be a woman, and not a cat. Sad part seams to be the women i like... They all go for the cats, rather then dogs.


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I'll keep my three.... cats are FAR less trouble than a woman, ;)


I'm sure they are, but they are enough trouble that it takes a significant adjustment to your way of life, and at that point, i have a feeling i get more "bang" for my, uh, "buck" with a good woman.

I'm sure cats are great... They are just not for me. I'm currently house sitting with 2 dogs, and 2 cats, and we had cats n' dogs while i grew up. I know what my choice is. I also read / heard a lot about why females prefer cats, but i cant see it. (supposedly the cat's head shape shares features with newborn children, and trigger a motherly response. To me they aren't anything alike, but thats what they say)



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Well, I've got the crazy woman, six kids, two dogs, two cats, and hamster cages in most of the kids' rooms. (Our free roaming rabbit just died) I don't have a prayer... Strangely enough, one of the cats, (the one that chose me to be her primary source of affection) always tries to follow me out into the workshop and sneaks in every chance she gets. I guess she really is a pyro kitty too!


BTW: The cats and dogs get along better than the kids.... :P

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