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Core burner or nossled bottle rocket?


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For a 1/4" bottle rocket what would be more effective nozzle less or nozzled I'm thinkin a nozzled rocket would be better for a small bottle rocket because it won't be lifting much of a payload maybe a gram max what do all you think
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In the 5/16ths size both work fine with a variety of fuels.

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I am confused, one can make a nozzled or nozzleless rocket on the same core burning spindle. Did you mean core burner or end burner?
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End burners are just like they sound, they have a nozzle (usually clay) and the fuel grain burns from one end to the other, they are the design that ESTES rocket motors uses. They provide a longer thrust band at lower pressures and don't lift nearly as much weight.


Core burners again are just what they sound like and just like a nozzleless rocket, the fuel burs mostly at the same time along the core and burn much faster creating thrust very quickly but for a very short duration. Core burners too can have a nozzle while a nozzleless will have the fuel pressed all the way to the end.


For 1/4" SBR sets, the core is important, an end burner in this size is very tricky to get working properly.

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