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Canadian visco fuse alternative ?


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Hey all just wondering what you Canadians out there use as visco fuse replacement seem as how you cant buy visco fuse in canada i just bought the last that the gun shop had and when i asked when he would have more he said he probably wont have it again because technically he isn't even aloud to sell it to people unless you have a licence. So as far as lighting off rockets and shell tubes ect what do you all use ? home made black match and KN03/sugar soaked cotten string then dry it in oven ? thats all i have done seem to be okay but not nearly as good as visco what do all you guys use?

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Find a new gunshop. There isn't any requirements I know of for cannon fuse. Find a specialty outfit that looks after BP shooters.


What general area are you in, I might be able to point you in the right direction.

Edited by hillbillyreefer
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