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Titanium question..


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Ok, I am getting ready to roll (and cut) some Buell Red stars, and I want a nice trailing tail. I am more interested in a long tail than I am the color of the tail. In other words, I am not opposed to adding some 80 mesh charcoal along with the Ti if that's what it takes to make a nice long tail. What do y'all suggest? Firstly, would you use 5 or 10% Ti? I know there is a fine line before washout occurs. And, would some 80 mesh charcoal add to the tail? Or would the charcoal somehow mess up how the comp burns? Just want some opinions before I mix and roll. Thanks!!

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adding a simple +10% ti to the comp will leave a super long tail. If you are using Ti, the charcoal may not be bright enough to be seen. Give it a shot though.

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