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Reports for 3" shells - NON Flash


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Hi All,


I'm looking for suggestions for small reports to put in 3 inch round shells. I absolutely do not want to use flash. I'm waaaay too inexperienced for that. The more basic the chems, the better.





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Are you wanting one bang or multiple?


If one you can use granulated BP and lightly dust with dark aluminum. The aluminum doesn't increase the hazard too much and it makes it quite a bit louder.


If you want multiple reports BP will probably be a bit disappointing in small inserts but can be used.

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Benzolift can be used, it gives more 'pop' when confined. It's basically whistle mix mellowed with BP, and making it using the wet method is pretty safe (as far as the things we do are safe).

CuO/Al (or MgAl) thermite works too, but I don't know if it's much less sensitive than flash. I treat it as I do flash.

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The CuO/Al is fairly sensitive, at least to impact.


But do you find it gives a good report? When I've made it,it wasn't very loud in a smaller insert. Maybe 5g though it is quite dense so maybe more? Maybe it takes a good size shell full to get good noise?


I've used them for .22 targets specifically when I don't want a loud noise.

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