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Rolled some charcoal stars, No Prob!


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This is just a little info that may help someone along the way... I have read in many places that it is hard to roll charcoal stars. While this may be true for some, I found it no more difficult than rolling any other star. Up to this point, I had been cutting charcoal stars. Was afraid of rolling them because of what I had read. Not a big deal, but I prefer rolling... less mess and waaaaay faster drying time. Well 'Jessoman' talked me into rolling some. So tonight I rolled a batch of "Slow Gold" and a batch of "TT". Both went smooth as silk, turned out beautiful. So in a nutshell, if you are debating rolling charcoal stars, go for it! I use peppercorns as cores and use the spritz and sprinkle method. :D

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If you wanna help, talk about your techniques! :P

Adding lots/little water and comp, etc?


Personally I found charcoal stars to be nice and round, but very inconsistent in size.

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I mentioned my technique in my post. I said that I use the "spritz and sprinkle" method. I just throw the peppercorns in, mist them and start sprinkling on comp. Then repeat.. I do all of my stars the same way. I made star sizing screens (with cookie sheets and different size drill bits). I roll the stars and dry em. Then I size them. The ones that are too small, I either throw em back in the roller and roll them up to size, or use them for small star mines. For me, charcoal stars are no harder to roll than any other. ymmv. ;) I might add, with the charcoal stars, the sizes do seem to have more variation than with other comps.

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I have also noticed large variations in charcoal star size but they are nice and round variations. :D


Roll until you see sizes around 1/8-3/16", screen the small ones out and roll again until uniform size of all. Let them dry before they get too large and then build up some more charcoal comp or color change during a later rolling session.


As bradsn mentioned, spritz and sprinkle. I've never done the toro method.

Edited by Bobosan
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Those look very nice enan. What is actual size? They look large, however, the pic can be deceptive.

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Nice looking stars you got there. They appear to be 3/8". You did a nice job with a roller, I haven't tried rolling in awile because cutting or hand rolled worked best for me. I got raspberries and/or to fast burning the couple times I did. You inspired me to try it again :)

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Good work Brad. I'm glad you had good luck. Definitely good spending the extra time letting the charcoal stars *round off*, keeps 'em the same size and sorts out rasberries in between dustings.

Looks like you had no problem at all ethan. Good work.

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Actual size is 8.5mm.


These are red comp rolled on cut red strobe cores, 10mm size. Not uniform yet, but they will be after next rolling.


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Which red is it? I found buell red extraordinarily more time consuming to roll. More solvent and longer rolling times ensure a rounder more consistent star throughout the rolling process.

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It is buell red ;)

Used same amount of solvent and same rollingtime as charcoalstars, but sprinkled a little less comp.

Note that i started with 4mm cut cores.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I rolled some TT stars on Blue cut stars a week ago and also had no big Problem.

But like Bobosan said, some were growing faster then the other so I had to pick them out.

I handrolled them in a Bowl because I don't have a starroller until now, but I think for the first stars I ever rolled they look ok :)


Edited by Titanium
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