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PyroGuide Forum Not Working?


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Hi guys,

I have been getting a "404 file not found error" when I try to go to pyroguide forum, anyone experiencing the same problem?


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I thought it went down in 2013...

Nah. The forum has been up more or less constantly until a week ago or so. I suspect that it will come back up, when whatever glitch is resolved.


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Good to know! Somebody did a whole site grab in 2013 after it was thought it was going down for good. Never been back since.

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I wish that site wasn't dead. It was a fantastic resource. I wouldn't have made it in the his hobby if it weren't for Pyro guide believe it or not
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Pyroguide and Skylighter were the entry level pyro for a lot of us. We now have at least three sites that publish safe comps and valid advice where there was a huge amount of rubbish on Pyroguide.

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Good to know! Somebody did a whole site grab in 2013 after it was thought it was going down for good. Never been back since.

The wiki never made it back online as far as i know. A shame really, it was a pretty good starting-point for most info. Everything had to be cross referenced, to say the least, but at least it gave you a good point as to where to start, you could go anywhere from there.


Pyroguide and Skylighter were the entry level pyro for a lot of us. We now have at least three sites that publish safe comps and valid advice where there was a huge amount of rubbish on Pyroguide.

Skylighter i never used as a source for information in it's own right. Mostly coz i never figured out how to navigate it effectively. Now, on to a different topic... What three sites would that be?


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Passfire.com, Fireworking.com and APC. There are many others and some across the pond that are good as well but do not pertain to the USA.

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I believe that the site was turned off due to the domain not being paid etc. As far as I know there is a back up ( not sure about the forum . ) to the pyroguide ) one that has been cleaned up,and B.S> removed. Crossout my buddy on the site is the techy one. I merly Just moderate and hope to keep the youngsters from loosing fingers. Sad as it is , there was a major loss of traffic and the site suffered after the 1st down in 2013. I dont know what can be done at this point .Might have to just shift those folks over the the dark side (APC) :ph34r:

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You may also want to consider the loss to the European community as well it’s not all about America that site was a winner across Europe Jig I know the forum hosting Guys it could be possible to get it back.

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