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End Burner Payload?


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I have 1/2" tooling for end burner rockets and I want to lift a 15 gr. 1.75" shell. Can it do it? I guess I could just try it but I don't want it to shoot stars all over my grass field.




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Probably not. It might lift it with hybrid fuel, but I would not trust it with BP without some testing first. You can make a test stand out of a mechanical kitchen scale and a mount for the motor. Use a video camera on the scale, burn the motor and use the video to verify the peak thrust on the scale.


You will want a 10:1 thrust to total weight ratio. This includes the weight of the completed motor with stick and header.

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Just make up a motor and put a sand filled bag header of that weight on top. Then you know, but normally it shoud lift that weight.
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Personally, I never trust a rocket to go where I want it. I have to be sure that if it hits the ground (and I always assume it will), that I'm not gonna be responsible for a massive fire.



How much tit does your tooling have? A lot of "end burners" these days aren't really end burners, this could make a big difference in what you can lift

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Intrusion into the powder by about 1/8", a true endburner set. 15g is a lot for that small motor, I usually lift 2-3g max.

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Commercial rocket motors with 14mm ID can easily lift 50-80g to a good height

so I suppose 15g should be doable with 12.5mm ID.

(Why aren`t you US people using the metric system btw? Would be alot easier ;) )



Best regards

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Commercial rocket motors with 14mm ID can easily lift 50-80g to a good height

so I suppose 15g should be doable with 12.5mm ID.

(Why aren`t you US people using the metric system btw? Would be alot easier ;) )



Best regards

I use a core burning 4oz tooling a can lift just at 15g so I'm gonna go with no it won't lift it well , and commercial rockets are much different than our hobby rockets.

We don't use the metric because we are to lazy to change ( all though I prefer the metric over our "standard" )

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Commercial rocket motors with 14mm ID can easily lift 50-80g to a good height

so I suppose 15g should be doable with 12.5mm ID.

(Why aren`t you US people using the metric system btw? Would be alot easier ;) )



Best regards


Yankees voted the metric system down in the 1970's (bunch of morons). Commercial rocket motors are made with a hybrid fuel and a deeper core, like a mix of both an endburner and a core burner. I would love to find the way they do that!

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