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Living in fear


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Hey guys, i was just wondering if any other amature pyro faces constant fear of being caught or geting introuble from the law. I live in Australia, so even legit pyrotechnics is illegal, so i freak out whenever im about to light one of my devices, that police will come knocking on my door acusing me of being a terrorist or somthing.


what makes it worse, is that im Egyptian! (strong christain) but that dosnt make my last name sound any less arab.


So yeh, anyone else having this trouble? :mellow:

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That’s always in the back of my mine that one of these day I’ll slip up some where or get slack and get myself in trouble, I hardy light anything around my place any more for that reason. I myself have never had a complaint and hope to keep it that way.


If you go into HE’s and you get caught you will get in a heck of a lot more trouble so just think that if you going to start.

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Yeah, I also have this fear although I live in a very rural area and most people could care less. I just get paranoid at times.
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Living in a rural/ish area is a must for anything large and airborn.. Most of the time people will hear a bang and instantly think "Firework party somewhere.".




Don't order from kno3.com and you'll be fine. ;)

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I worry....but not a lot. I live out in the middle of nowhere and my neghbors can't hear/see anything but the largest of devices.


The only thing that makes me nervous is my reputation at school...

Took me a long time but I finally got my friends to understand what I do and how important it is to me that people see it the right way... But there are still the occassional random punk who will say something to me about bombs and I look quickly over my shoulder and tell him to go away.... :angry: ....

The teachers all know as well... They all think its pretty cool though and the chem teacher has allowed me to bring in stars to aid him in flame color tests with his Chem 1 students... Also my Trig teacher said he would try to convince the superintentant to allow me to fire off a small rocket as part of my final presentation on how math is used in rocketry.


So I just fear that someone not as open minded will hear about my experiments and get the wrong idea...or heck get the right idea but see an excuse to get his name in the paper... and turn me in. Now that I am over 18....things are a little more serious if I get caught.... so I'm just careful and hope for the best!!

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I worry....but not a lot. I live out in the middle of nowhere and my neghbors can't hear/see anything but the largest of devices.


The only thing that makes me nervous is my reputation at school...

Took me a long time but I finally got my friends to understand what I do and how important it is to me that people see it the right way... But there are still the occassional random punk who will say something to me about bombs and I look quickly over my shoulder and tell him to go away.... :angry: ....

The teachers all know as well... They all think its pretty cool though and the chem teacher has allowed me to bring in stars to aid him in flame color tests with his Chem 1 students... Also my Trig teacher said he would try to convince the superintentant to allow me to fire off a small rocket as part of my final presentation on how math is used in rocketry.


So I just fear that someone not as open minded will hear about my experiments and get the wrong idea...or heck get the right idea but see an excuse to get his name in the paper... and turn me in. Now that I am over 18....things are a little more serious if I get caught.... so I'm just careful and hope for the best!!

It doesn't get a hell of a lot better when it's coworkers at your job, long after school. There is always a smartass who greets you (hopefully not in a staff meeting) with "blow anything up lately?" and a smirky look. If you have decent videos of working some commercial displays, show those to the uneducated, and maybe, with friends, you can then work up to "I can make those myself... if I want to". Being a pyro can be a lonely hobby sometimes. It's always nice to meet some others tho.

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Oh, that irritates me to no end, about the bomb thing. I've been teaching my dad, brother, and uncle how to build rockets and shells so that they can help me build things. We have a place out in the woods that my uncle owns that's perfect for shooting fireworks. And even my family still say things like "Let's go to the barn and make some bombs" When they KNOW we're building rockets or shells. It's a hard stereotype to change.


I don't get to go out to the woods very often however and I live in the suburbs. I'm always worried some of my neighbors will find out I make fireworks and turn me in for a terrorist. So if I'm ever outside making stars or working in the shed and I hear one of my neighbors in his yard, I just put everything away and go back inside. It sucks, and it's really slow going to get anything done, but there's not much you can do about that.

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Seems like I'm not alone about being called 'bomber.' I told my chemistry what I was doing, seems like he got it wrong or something. He told one of the other classes what (he thought...) I was doing and one of the students in that class came over to me and started talking about bombs. What he didn't knew was that I'm not interested in bombs. The best booms are up in the sky...
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Ehn....theres always someone retarded who gets the wrong idea no matter how you explain it while everyone else understands.

I told my chemistry teacher about my hobbies and he was pretty shocked at first then started letting out bout how he has pyro friends etc etc.

Its a nice reputation in some ways, then again it can be annoying in that its pretty much impossibl to get rid of.

At the end of the day im still shitting myself when i lauch stuff in the local fields, thickets etc, but the exhileration from it all is definately worth it!



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I never used to be very worried. I was occasionally paranoid when I lit off a larger shell a big 4" can or a 6" ball shell. I never talked to anyone about my hobby either. But that was back in california.


Now that I have moved to a fireworks friendly state, AND now make pyro professionally with some cool people it makes everything alot better. I get to talk about it with all the employees openly. It was strange at first, but I am getting used to it. Now most all the people there know I make fireworks, and could care less really. I get good tips from the owners there on how to improve my stuff.


But the best perc, is that I get to go light off some of my pyro at work! Totally legal!


But otherwise I can go out in the middle of nowhere and have not a worry anymore because I can go out to where there is noone, anywhere... :)


And yes I moved for the job. I now make proximate indoor pyro. And yes, I love my job.

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After being called 'Mad Bomber' for many years, it took lots of work to make them call me 'Master Blaster' instead. At least those that don't dislike me do.


Since two years ago, every time I get asked "can you make me a bomb to blow up..." (police station, last employer, cash machine... take your pick) I say "nay, I stopped explosives, it gets boring once you've made nitro, TNT and C-4. There are more interesting things in chemistry than explosives." This seems to take effect by now.


Bad news is, now I get asked to make them some speed. :angry:

Should give those fucktards ETN for the mother of all headaches. :D

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I forgot to mention, I have OCD(95% sure, I was properly diagnosed by a physician, not an online test). So, this makes it a LOT worse than just being scared. It sucks :(
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If you're scared all the time thats paranoia. And a little bit of fear is good. It keeps you from doing stupid things.


OCD is like you HAVE to hop on your left foot 3 times in a clockwise circle before you ram an increment of BP in a rocket. And you HAVE to do that every time or you just freak out.


I hop counter-clockwise :P

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If you're scared all the time thats paranoia.  And a little bit of fear is good.  It keeps you from doing stupid things.


OCD is like you HAVE to hop on your left foot 3 times in a clockwise circle before you ram an increment of BP in a rocket.  And you HAVE to do that every time or you just freak out.


I hop counter-clockwise  :P

Yep, but not that weird(yet :(). I do things like, relight my lighter a bunch of times, and retype things. I am not totally paranoid, just a bit. Like, I look over my shoulders at my neighbors before I light that fuse. Sirens scare the fuck out of me now. After what happened in the summer.........

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So that's what it's called. Always wondered why the army discharged me for 'medical reasons' after telling the doc I HAVE to touch a tree with my right elbow if a happened to bump into one with my left. Or that I HAVE to step on a stone with my left foot if another stone pokes the right foot through the sole. This is no joke btw, you should see me walk a stony path ... :P


That's also why I keep the floor tidy with nothing to step on in the workshop. Not that I ram many BP rockets looking like I practice foxtrott, but do you know why I prefer EBWs? When I start pressing detonators, I simply HAVE to light a ciggie! :D

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  • 5 months later...
I'm kinda afrade of the police, but not being turned in by neighbors. They all like the displays I look on and will ask me if I have anything new to shoot when I see them (like when I get the mail or when im mowing the lawn). The only thing I don't like is when people at school ask me to "make them a bomb". It pisses me of that the just see explosions and I see a real art. Small salutes are ok (never made one over 1.5 grams), but bombs are stupid and bring a dark side to my favorate hobbie. At least I have two realy good friends who apreciate this hobbie and like to help me (and all my other friends don't get away with asking me do make bombs, or asking if they can go see my "lab"), I quickly tell them off.
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  • 5 months later...

i havent ever been afraid that bad


exept for one time last year i made a "the works" toilet bowl cleaner bomb which shoots acid all over it and we set it off in a parking lot.... that scared the living shit out of me


im a 14 yr old that looks 12 and is polite as hell to lawmen and school oficials.


im not going to be afraid until i turn 18...

then im screwed, but as long as im a minor im good :D

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Gabe you astonish me...


Anyway, I get scared sometimes, it's mostly in chem class because evry time we do an experiment, the teacher always puts less chems on my desk... And he is not a good supporter for my chemistry(I do inorganic chemistry and Pyro) The guy is afraid that I am going to make 200g of NI3 and put it in my backpack (His friend did this)

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