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First attempt @ color changing stars (video)


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First off this was my first real attempt at pulling off color changing and I am very pleased but wish the the delay between colors was longer.


5 of the stars were 7/8 diameter 1 was 15/16 to see the timing difference, these are for a 12 inch shell I am planning to shoot at the Mpag club meeting.

please comment I welcome some feedback good or bad




Tiger-willow to green to red to white strobing:

Edited by Dean411
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They looked nice, with minimal color damage (an issue I have trouble with, from leaching of comp).


One suggestion: on future batches, make the red last a little bit longer. A green "flash" to a longer lived red effect punctuated by white twinkling would be great in my opinion.

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Nice stars.


I think the delay should not be any longer between green and red, not longer lasting as the colors themselve


@Pyrokid, I had troubles with that too some time ago, roling thin layers and good drying between sessions solved it for me.

Edited by burningRNX
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what changing relay formula did you used??

how thick it was?

green burned pretty fast.

you can refer lancasters book.

he gives pretty good explanation.

it was nice video..!!

good luck for 12" shell.

prepare 6" shell with this stars and see it in sky now insted of shooting it in mine for next time.

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look great......i am still awaiting chemicals and hemis and spolette tubes etc, i really plan that by the end of this year i would launch my first home made shell. one day ill reach up to your standards....


btw. can any one point me to info on making go getters

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The change relay is from F.A.S.T except I used dextrin instead of sgrs 83 kclo4 ,13 red gum ,4 dextrin

The relay thickness was minimal and done on all cores at once maybe .01 thick between all colors

the white strobe cores were about 3/16ths with a 1/16 thick independence red and roughly the same thickness green, I think the green appears as a flash because there is still a large amount tiger willow burning and it obstructs the green a bit. The color cores were 7/16 diameter before I put the tiger willow on the outside.

The pic below shows the bleser white strobe core the prime layer then the red and the relay I didnt get any pics after the green was rolled on.




pictures of the cores were easy to get , trying to get picture of the 7/8 cut in half doesnt work so well,

the inner core doesnt get wet using toro on the outer layer .

Edited by Dean411
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They may appear differently coming out of a larger shell, however, I thought the colors were very short lived, especially the green probably due to the TW as you mentioned. If it was an exersize in rolling color changers, looks like you succeeded. :)

Edited by Bobosan
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Looks good! But I would first be tested in 6"


Why did not you use the composition (changing relay formula): KClO4/KNO3/С/dextrin 35/35/24/6 ?

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Both relays are from F.A.S.T. I just picked the easiest formula for me and I have a drum of Kclo4 and a decent amount of red gum.



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  • 4 weeks later...


my first attempt. red to blue. thanks Niladmirari for use of the color formula...that red is tough to light!

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Yes, yes...very nice colors and a good transition.

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thanks guys. circumstances keep me out of the lab more than i would like. it's slow going but i'll get there some day... maybe by next independence day i will be able to make a shell with r/w/b color change.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Roger I don't see how it could be any better! Good brilliant colors and a nice changeover! I can only hope my stars will ever look that good!

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