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how to properly dispose of time fuse and visco


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I have a few hundred feet of visco and about 100 feet of time fuse (one roll basically). Since I'm going to the US it makes no sense trying to ship that stuff to the US (I wouldn't want to chance it anyhow).


So I got these time fuse and visco basically sitting there and I need to know what's the proper way to dispose of them? I'm not doing pyro here anymore and honestly I wouldn't do it now simply because I don't want to attract attention by shooting a ton of shell at a time (they would make a lot of shell for sure!)


I would rather dispose of them in a way that doesn't involve burning them honestly.

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I'd gladly take the time fuse and dispose of it.

Never mind, It looks like you live in Taiwan.



I still think burning it is your best bet and the safest route, It's probably the easiest way too.

Edited by alexpyro101
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Well just take the rime fuse and burn in over the next couple months in lenghts of a couple feet. For visco, do visco rockets.


If not do you which of your trash gets burned?

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You could get a large pot of boiling water and add the visco to remove kno3, repeat a few times and you should be left with carbon and sulfur left in the visco.


I think visco has black powder cores.

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Yeh ditto to Mr. B send me some TF 'placemats' and some lacquered green wire. That stuff is so hard to get in aus :(
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I agree that your internet pyro friends might appreciate some decorative touches for their pyro workspaces.

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I don't know if I want to risk trouble shipping them. I am sure I can label it as yarns but you never know...

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I know it's generally shipped as "education supplies" and shipped in boxes with the regular mail here in Sweden. By the same companies that adhere to ADR freight restrictions for the chems we use. I'm not sure if there is any international rules and regulations that would make a difference.


Since they tend to be skittish about pyro & flammable stuff going by air, it would probably be easier on everyone involved if surface shipping was used. And boating the stuff should be the cheapest shipping anyway.

But i dunno. Around here there isn't even a requirement to put a "sender" on the package, even if a return address is optional. So one could just drop it of at the post office, knowing it's actually a ticking time bomb, and walk away.


I have to admit, bottom line is that it somehow seams wrong to me, to just light the stuff on fire for no other reason the disposing it.


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Well I'll be shipping a bunch of my stuff by surface so I don't know, but US custom being what they are I'm just not sure about taking the risk...


Does US custom really care or is it more of a matter of shipping company regulation?

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Do the nitrate sniffers check incoming freight for potential explosives? I really don't know for sure. It really isn't worth the risk especially when you can restock in USA.

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Wouldn't know. To some extent i'd suggest not risking your VISA on shipping it to your self, and / or with your other stuff. If they look at it and find it offensive, they will eat all your stuff. Ship it separately, or, to someone else. Or, just give up and burn it, but i still find the thought... Repulsing. Nothing personal or anything. It's just not something i would do.


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I agree with mr.B ;) just pm me when your sending and I'll give you my address :P I like educational supplies too hehe. Edited by jessoman
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In any case. Doing an open burn of a roll of visco wouldn't make much of a big deal and same for time fuse. It would be pretty neat seeing the TF taking 30 minutes to burn. My time fuse makes no/negligible smoke and would burn completely undetected. Maybe you could soak the visco in acetone and dissolve the NC coating. Then soak the visco in water to kill the core. After that you could just discard it as it would be pretty near inert.
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Taiwan maybe you just could think about having some1 here who would pay the shipping. Pack the parcel and send it one or two days before you leave taiwan with a fake sender. This way it would be first hard to track it back to you at all, (as long as you get post stamp for cash) and you would be gone a long time before anyone ever tries to reach. But with an adress leading to an non existing road or house the will propably just discard it and god if they do a research at all.


For exaple many of the Oz people here always have get these things shipped from the oitside and never had any problems.

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Yep that's right about the Oz comment schroedinger, we are forever running our luck and in the back of my mind I am always thinking 'hope it makes it' :) but haven't had a problem yet.
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If someone wants me to do that, pm me. Note be prepared to WAIT because there is NO WAY I am going to send it by air. Also I can't guarantee that I'm actually going to do it because if it looks like I could get in trouble, then I won't.


It takes about 2 months for stuff to get to AU by boat. I rather have you come in person to be honest with you and you take the risk...

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Liability. I can fully see the reason why you wouldn't ship ADR-classed stuff without the proper paperwork. As a buyer, your pretty much in the clear, what can happen is that the package gets eaten, and the seller doesn't ship a new one, claiming your responsible, but legally, it's the sender that has to make the paperwork, and make sure the shipping is done the right way. Now, as a private person, your (at least here) not forced to put a return address, or any senders info on the shipment. If you select to put some info on it, your not required to verify your identity, or the credentials your using for the return address. That mean I wouldn't hesitate, i could ship that package of fuse and stuff anywhere in the world from here. It might not get there, but the most anyone could lose is the shipping fee's.


That said. If he doesn't feel comfortable with the whole idea of shipping it, then give it away to someone locally, or burn it, and tell us it was given away locally, just so i don't need to get sleepless nights over someone wasting perfectly fine fuse. Truth be told, getting good fuse is probably the biggest problem "over here", and shipping isn't the issue... Well, soon getting perchlorate will be the biggest issue, but i just got told my perchlorate should be delivered tomorrow, so i should be good for some time.


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Because when one is trying to legally return to the U.S. after being deported once before, it is wise to avoid any possibility of breaking the law with explosives if you want to stay.
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I feel bad for the Australians then.



It would be interesting to see the results of a large roll of visco being burned in a sufficiently strong sealed container.

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  • 1 month later...

I got rid of it.


I soaked it in water for days, then placed it in a sealed plastic bag and put it in the trash. I didn't want to burn it because it released a large amount of smoke. Even a few feet of time fuse released so much smoke that I was afraid the fire department would be called, so it was no go, and I don't have an open area to do this...


It all gets burned in the end because the trash goes to an incinerator before it goes to a landfill. There are far more flammable stuff there (like methane).

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