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I am coming to America


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My immigration visa just got approved. I will come beginning of December or around that time.


I have not decided where to go but initially I'll be in California.


Anyone around there?

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As my name suggests, I am in California ;)

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I think I will start with rocketry.. I am staying away from firearms until I eventually become a US citizen. I don't need another reason to get kicked out again.

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long story. My parents brought me to the US when I was young and I had no idea what visa I was under or whatever. I grew up in the US going through school and all that, and believed I was a permanent resident or something like that. One day I woke up finding Federal agents at my door, no idea why they were there at the time. Seemed someone said something and the government looked at my records, which revealed that I was in the US on a tourist visa that had long since expired. So I got arrested, charged/convicted of having a gun (I had a few guns for sporting use) as an illegal alien, given a short sentence and kicked out.

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Ok, how the heck was it able to sign you for school wothout having the right visa? How long you've been i the us with a tourist visa, 10 years?
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I have no idea, parents did all the stuff so really the fault lies with them (primarily my mother actually). I suspect that it was because schools don't ask questions or something. I'm sure they are more careful these days. It was all out of my control really and I'm really glad that for once consular officials agree.

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A kid that went to my church growing up had a similar issue. Apparently his parents brought him here when he was a toddler. He went through school not knowing any residence besides the U.S., spoke English and Spanish fluently, was active in school with great grades and a good soccer player. When he graduated, he was offered some scholarships and tried to enroll in a State University when it was discovered he was not a legal citizen. It eventually all worked out and he was granted citizenship, but it sure was a hassle.


Is there a particular part of the country you enjoy or have any connections with? How about job opportunities? Some states are more friendly to our hobby than others. Since you are pretty much on your "second chance" it would be wise to avoid the ones where pyro is difficult to practice legally. If you have no ties to any location, start looking for regions with the best employment prospects, affordable house and a strong pyro club.

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The US has the WORST checks in place. You can have bank accounts, and kids in school as "illegal immigrant", the truth is... US economy wouldn't work without work with out these illegals. And as long as they don't go poke the system, the government will only make a tiny effort to find, and send people back out.

Weird, considering the amount of money that is spent "securing" the borders.


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Like I said, it will be rocketry only from now on, because rocketry (at least non experimental ones) have legal recognition, and aren't banned in some states. Obviously this means sticking to NAR sanctioned launch (I'll need to rejoin and somehow get my Level 1 back). It's not a problem for me however, truthfully sometimes unrestricted firework policy has its drawback... for example salutes at 3 in the morning!!!


I did enroll in the University of Texas, for some reason nobody asked anything and I was given in state tuition.


I think the DREAM act needs to pass but they need to include something in there that demands criminal prosecution for the parent. It is not the kid's fault but the parent's fault for doing this. I don't understand the opposition fearing gang members not being deported, especially when there's already laws in the books that makes gang members deportable. Sometimes I wish my mom was alive so she could be prosecuted for this (I bet that's what the consular officer wanted to do when he asked about my mom's whereabouts), but you can't prosecute a dead person...


As for location, I kinda want to go back to Texas but it's so damn hot there... I know Texas is both gun and firework friendly. I kinda want to go to North Dakota or something just so I can be in a cold place...

Edited by taiwanluthiers
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seriously? you would've liked to have your mom prosecuted? I know it must have been hard for you having to go through all the problems that you went, but I am sure that all that your mom wanted was for you to have a better life, I think you should be grateful, after all you had a chilhood that many kids on other parts of the world don't have and would die to have an opportunity like the one you had, even if that would mean living as an illegal alien... oh well! I guess not all children are grateful. anyway welcome back to america!

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taiwanluthiers, if you should choose the midwest to settle you can have the best (or worse in some cases) of all 4 seasons of the year. Here in Indiana at certain times of the year, you run heat in the morning and by midday, the A/C turns on. ;) Welcome back, wherever you go.

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Quite true Bobosan. One of the summers I worked at Cedar Point, I had a Turkish roomate who was really confused by the ever changing weather in the midwest. Indiana also has decent firework laws. Avoid Illinois and Ohio if at all possible.
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come to arkansas. in the county i live (i called the sherrif's dept. to confirm this) you can legally fire fireworks every day of the year between the hours of 6 and 10 pm. my neighbors have never complained. of course i live on almost 2 acres...you can shoot at my house ;)


there is no pyro club here that i have located but i'd be willing to start one. let's take the dumb redneckery out of "blowin stuff up" in the south!!

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Well Texas is pretty liberal when it comes to fireworks, but local counties and cities may be different. For example firework is completely illegal in Austin.

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Texas is the best country in America :) The economy is booming and living is cheap. Makes for great firework building conditions.
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i lived in texas for 22 years. that place is a black hole...never going back. their absolutely draconian laws on chemistry and labware in particular will make the bile rise in your throat. you have to get "registered" to even own a vacuum flask which is necessary if you plan on synthesizing any of your own chems.

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I do enjoy living in Texas. Great Mexican food in San Antonio. Although I'd have to agree with roger. I went to go get a 1 liter Pyrex lab flask for producing hydrogen gas with aluminum, water, and muriatic acid. It was 95$ and you needed approval from the local derpartment of public safety. WTF? A plastic bottle in an insulated jug full of 97% IPA and dry ice worked well enough. By the way, Taiwan, where in Texas did you live?
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I lived in Houston. I have no idea why the heck you need a license to have lab beakers in Texas, I just assumed it was unregulated.

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The restrictions on labware are an attempt to thrawrt clandestine meth production.
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