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Will this sugar work?


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I am trying to make R-Candy, and I am ordering my stuff. I have already ordered 99.8% pure KNO3 off of Ebay, and now I need the sugar. I am looking at this sugar: http://www.amazon.com/Domino-Confectioners-Sugar-10-X-Powdered/dp/B004YBYYCG/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top


And I need to make sure it's good for R-Candy and will work good. If not, link me to a better one, and I need it to be Amazon. Thank you.

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Try sugar as used in tea, coffee and sundry cakes and baked goods, available from supermarkets, corner shops, and thousands of other stores around your county / Country.

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Regular old table sugar at walmart is all you need. If you want to get fancy with it, Soribitol is a significantly better fuel. Just get the regular table sugar, you will be happy with it.

Also, confectioners sugar has cornstarch in it which is not what you want.

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I am trying to make R-Candy, and I am ordering my stuff. I have already ordered 99.8% pure KNO3 off of Ebay, and now I need the sugar. I am looking at this sugar: http://www.amazon.com/Domino-Confectioners-Sugar-10-X-Powdered/dp/B004YBYYCG/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top


And I need to make sure it's good for R-Candy and will work good. If not, link me to a better one, and I need it to be Amazon. Thank you.


For good R-Candy,

100g KNO3 (aka: potassium nitrate, saltpeter)

Jimmy Yawn has been using this method for some time now, it is also the method I use and it is about as safe as it can be considering it is flammable. ANY table sugar and ANY KN03 will work to make R-Candy, its all in the cooking.
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Regular old table sugar at walmart is all you need. If you want to get fancy with it, Soribitol is a significantly better fuel. Just get the regular table sugar, you will be happy with it.

Also, confectioners sugar has cornstarch in it which is not what you want.


Sorbitol also has the advantage of melting at relatively low temperature, about 120C.

With Sorbitol as fuel, you don't need any water if you make sure to mix the chemicals thoroughly.

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You can use tablesugar (also named beet or cane sugar) from the grocery store.


I would however advise pure glucose.


When you melt or sollute? tablesugar it breaks up into glucose and fructose.

Glucose is an aldose sugar, fructose is a ketose sugar.

Aldose sugars are significantly better reductors.

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