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Impact Smoke/Flash Effect


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I know this may sound borderline k3wlish or silly to some of you guys, but try to understand me.

Lately, I have been experimenting with impact-initiated devices that produce a bright flash and a cloud of smoke, sort of like a "ninja smoke bomb". As of now, my design for these is basically a small core of approx. 1 gram of flash powder, surrounded by a layer of thin tissue. Underneath/encasing this is finely granulated black powder or milled rocket fuel, which is also surrounded by thin tissue paper. This whole assembly is wrapped in newspaper or tissue, with gravel from one of those big snappers in the bottom of the final wrapping. When thrown at the ground, even lightly, these instantly make a blinding flash with a low "Poomph" and a dense cloud of white smoke. They are lots of fun, but definently need to be improved.

I was wondering if you guys have any ideas for how to make these more safe to handle (less prone to going off), and maybe more contained, but in a way that they don't explode with a report. Also, what could I add to produce thicker smoke, but that wouldn't compromise the burn rate. I am open to any suggestions or refinements on this idea. Thanks!

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I forgot to add... The flash powder's purpose is to obviously create a flash, and also to make some smoke. The black powder/rocket fuel

is added to create the majority of the smoke. The snapper gravel (probably red phosphorous+KCIO3 coated quartz gravel) is for the impact ignition.

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I tried doing this exact same method with no luck. The poppers wouldn't even explode after several hits. I would try armstrong's mix or something friction/pressure sensitive in between two big rocks taped up. (Only use a tiny bit of friction/pressure sensitive powder!)

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There is just one thing I'm concerned about and that is this topic , this topic is about a very sensitive material and could easily create something unexpected, I my self would not feel comfortable holding a pressure sensitive explosive in my hand .
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Most of the poppers I have seen that deal with gravel contain silver fulminate, a nasty primary. Throwing flash in a sketcky comp. is just asking for the Darwin award. Here is a great idea for pressure sensitive noise makers. I have made these a few times http://www.skylighter.com/fireworks/how-to-make/fireworks-crack-balls.asp To the OP maybe more along the lines of what you need is an impact initiated smoke device?

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Thanks for the replies! The "crack balls" actually look quite fun and I think I'll have to try them out, even though the idea of dampening and then drying a mix of KCIO3/Sulfur sounds like a request for trouble.

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To the OP maybe more along the lines of what you need is an impact initiated smoke device?


That could be cool, although it would'nt have the "instantaneous" effect.

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Thanks for the replies! The "crack balls" actually look quite fun and I think I'll have to try them out, even though the idea of dampening and then drying a mix of KCIO3/Sulfur sounds like a request for trouble.

You don't "dampen" the mixture you make a slurry with it. As long as you follow the instructions it is safe enough.


All this coming from a guy that has been putting flash with a primary and throwing it at his feet lol. ;)

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