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What effect is this?


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All right guys I'm lost, been trying to figure this one out but not really sure how they did it.




How did they get this rising effect seen between 5:20 and 5:45? They have a tail that splits several times at what looks to be random angles. Is there a name for this?


Oh and please watch the whole video, they have some really pretty shells. Very talented people.


Thank you,



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Splitting Comets.


They are tubes with a lift charge and fuse in the center and a star in each end. They are stacked like lincoln logs on the shell with different timings during the shell's ascent.


They are mentioned in FAST and there is a tutorial for their construction on Passfire.

Edited by nater
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BTW- they are really easy to make too. They make a fun heading on a rocket spewing comets out as it rises. Crossettes are even more fun. I used discarded tubes and extra crossettes from a project.

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Yes there is information on this in Shimizu FAST book.

see FAST book for reference also see attatched image.


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Is it challenging to seal the tubes in a way that allows the comets out and protects them from the lift?

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just press cardboard disk like you press while making cakes.

and close end with kraft paper and glue.

zoom on attached image I added in previous reply.

Edited by swapnilsutar1988
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Huh, very cool. For those interested it is section 20.3 in FAST, also called Kyoku-Do.


So do you load it in the mortar with the comets down? I imagine that breaking down on the lift. Or would you top fuse it with QM?

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Rising effects are on top of the shell, the lift is on the bottom. The shell is loaded properly. The rising effects light from the hot gasses at lift.
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