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2014 Midwest Fireworks Festival


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We are pleased to announce to 2014 Midwest Fireworks Festival!


Registration forms are available here http://www.heartlandpyro.org/media/...02014.docx


This will be hosted by Heartland Pyrotechnics Arts Association, in Mentone, Indiana. SEPTEMBER 19-20, you do not have to be a member to attend, but there is a nominal registration fee to help cover expenses.


This is a great weekend full of pyro activities. We also have onsite camping with water and electrical hookups. This is a weekend of open shooting, friendly competition, vending, seminars and lots of pyro fellowship. We have a magazine on site that we can hold licensed product as well.


Rumor has it that some very well respected pyros and past PGI Grandmasters will be in attendance. Some members are also planning on a mascleta and a daylight effect show!


Manufacturing is allowed on site during certain hours. This is an incredible site and one of the best pyro events each year and my personal favorite to attend.


Reply to this thread or PM me for more information.

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Oh man. If my club wasn't having an event that weekend I sure would have loved to make it.

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8 hr drive for me from school. Might go if I can rally up some friends. Would you say it's worth the trip?

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Absolutely! We have a number of people who make a 6 hour drive, one around 8 or 9 and another flying in from the East coast. There is a structured show or two, but the emphasis is on open shooting and pyro fellowship.


I am biased though. Maybe someone else who has attended in the past can chime in.

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I've been to MFF twice. I've always had a great time. It's quite enjoyable. I'm considering going again this year. It's MFF or the last WPAG shoot of the year. I haven't decided yet.

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I'll be going for sure! The site is less than 3 hours from me and I have to make up for not going to PGI somehow or another.


Nater: Can your magazine hold homemade stuff, assuming it is made and transported legally? I might not show up until Saturday in which case I believe this wouldn't be an issue. Do you guys have 5 and/or 6" guns for heavy cylinder shells? Any club policies that might apply?


Mumbles: September is your last shoot of the year? Sounds like you Wisconsin guys aren't as hardcore as we are in the mitten. We shoot in October and December! :)

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I've heard there used to be an October shoot before I got involved. Apparently it was always cold and the weather was always awful so they stopped holding it. I don't really blame them. September is sort of a crap shoot with the weather as it is. We do have a shoot in March off of a frozen lake at least.

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We should have some heavy mortars. I can bring those sizes if nobody else does. I am aiming for a 5" 5-timed spider, a rocket with a 4" compartment shell and maybe a 6" single color break cylinder.


As far as club policies, for heavy cylinder shells we bury the mortars deep with extra distance. Most people e-fire them, but handlighting is allowed. Mortars are loaded, we usually e fire first one at a time, handlight one at a time and then reload.


I will be in charge of the rocket line. We watch the other lines and try not to step on their product too much. We are also careful not to fire rockets if anyone is too close reloading.


Safety glasses and hard hats are strongly encouraged. I will have safety glassses on site for $2 a pair.


Manufacturing is available on site. Spaces will be outside only this year. Bring your own table and pop up. Rules are similar to PGI. I will have a formal list of guidelines available after the convention.

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Thanks for the detailed response, Nater, I look forward to your shells and rockets.



I've heard there used to be an October shoot before I got involved. Apparently it was always cold and the weather was always awful so they stopped holding it. I don't really blame them. September is sort of a crap shoot with the weather as it is. We do have a shoot in March off of a frozen lake at least.


Of course I should note that we are a little warm for our latitude in Michigan, but our December and February shoots are always snowy nonetheless. We have people who will wire up shows when they can't feel their fingers... I used to be one of them but I'm getting to old for that crap!


It was actually MFF a few years ago when I remember it being nippy (frost forming after sunset) in September. So it may be a good idea to bring warm stuff to this event just in case.

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Is camping guaranteed or more of a first come first serve deal? I'd love to go but would only go if I had a few people riding with me to make the trip more economical/enjoyable. It'd be nice to be 100% sure I'd have a place to sleep before going.


That said, anyone from Rochester NY area looking to go to this event? I'd be willing to drive.

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Camping is first come first served, but there should be plenty of space. We have not had a problem with too few spots before and I do not anticipate a problem again.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I am sure there will be plenty of camping spots available and there are showers, electric and water, but no waste dump site for RV's.

Probably a little biased but I would encourage anyone to attend who wants the complete pyro experience.

Mumbles, you can go to a Cheesehead shoot any time. See you next month ;)

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I will be attending this year and a half dozen other members from Mpag arr also attending.

I will be bringing at least 2 12's to fill the sky..

Mumbles would love to see you there, I think you should make the trip...


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I'm planning to make an appearance for Saturday at least. It most depends on how things at work are going.

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You won't regret it. There are a bunch of Michigan guys coming as well. Unfortunately I am not bringing anything to shoot as in the past, I have been in hibernation for a while ;) Just spoke with one of our members today, last years PGI Grand Master, and it sounds like he has been building 24-7.

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It is too bad that we won't be blessed by one of your shells, but I do appreciate the reasons why. Hopefully my 5 timed Sfera makes you proud.




Also, Ben Smith will be attending and vending again this year. If you want something from his catalog delivered free of charge, head to his site and place your orders.



Edited by nater
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Phil, Ned and myself will be bringing some supplies to test some tubes that Phil is sourcing as a potential replacement for NEPT. We will be set up to test various 1# motors since that is the most popular size of rocket. If you attend, please join us in the manufacturing area and the rocket line for some fun experiments.

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Any idea yet of what seminars are which day and what time? I am specifically not wanting to miss the

Toro method rolling seminar.



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  • 2 weeks later...



Here is the tentative schedule for the weekend. See you all there.

Friday September 19

10:00 AM

Registration Opens

10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Site Setup

11:00 PM - 1:00 PM


3:30 PM

Safety Meeting

4:00 PM - Midnight

Open Shooting

5:00 PM - 7:00 PM


11:00 PM - ??


Saturday September 20

10:00 AM

Registration Opens

10:00 AM

Seminar:Rocket Tube Waxing by Ned Gorski

11:00 AM -1:00 PM


1:00 PM – 2:00PM

Seminar: Toro Style Star Rolling by Mark U.

2:00 PM – 3:00PM

Seminar: Glitter Chemistry and Comet Construction by Rob B.

3:15 PM – 3:30PM

Daytime Show

3:30PM - 5:30PM


5:30 PM – 7:00 PM


8:20 PM


8:30 PM – 8:45PM

Steve Meyers & Mark U Pyromusical

9:00 PM – 9:20PM

Member Show

9:20 PM – 9:35PM

Johnny Rockets

9:45 -Midnight

Open Shooting

Sunday September 21

8:00 AM

Continental Breakfast

9:00 AM - ??

Site clean up

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I am here and my campsite it all set up. Work commitments, family needs and chores at home meant I did not have time to finish the projects I started for the shoot. So no building or shooting on site for me, but a much, much needed relaxing weekend.
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Hey Nater thanks for having us MPAG guys out at your shoot, I think we all had a blast out there.

and it was nice meeting a few guys from the forum as well Mumbles its nice to be able to put a face with a name.


Nater if you could pass along a thank you to Jim M. for allowing me to use his guns to fire my shells Saturday.



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You guys from MPAG are welcome any time. Those 12s with the rising effects fired during the member made show were spectacular, the perfect way to close that show.


Mumbles, it was nice to formally meet you as well.


I regret that work prevented me from getting everything I had planned built. I was able to build a few rockets and a couple small lampare on site. I fired a short whistle rocket with a 4" smoke heading. The tube was short and I was concerned there was not enough delay above the core. The

other concern was these smoke star's tendency to blow up instead of smoke. Both concerns were valid, and the shell turned into a salute about 15 feet in the air. Unfortunately due to the weather I was not able to fire a 3" rocket with a 6" blue shell with silver glitter pistil and the lampare.


Here is the storm which rolled in Saturday afternoon:




Friday we enjoyed an excellent show put on by the "Huntington Hillbillies" and open shooting on the B and C lines.


The rain and wind were intense, but the shows on Saturday night went on with minimal issues. We enjoyed a day time smoke and noise show, a mascleta, member made showcase, a short show with a large amount of product made by two members and followed by a short display donated by Johnny Rockets Fireworks. Open shooting was supposed to resume for 2 hours, but was rained out by another storm.


I want to extend a big thank you to all the volunteers who donated time and product to make this event possible. We had people attend from Missouri and Nebraska to New York. Without the support of everyone who came out and enjoyed themselves, these shoots would not happen. It was a great time and I hope it grows more next year!!

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