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crossette size


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I am wondering what size crossette you can use in a 2 inch ball shell or can it be done at all thank you.

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I would be surprised if it could be done well. I imagine the cavity in a 1/2" or smaller star to be so small it would be hard to work with and the amount of burst is so small. Whever I have seen crossettes in consumer product, they are fired as single comets in candles or cakes rather than being built into shells. I cannot say if this is a matter of cost or if it is not possible to do well.
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I have a tiny 1/2" crossette pump that would work but they are almost impossible to pump without breaking... Good luck.

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Wow, a 1/2"????? That would be a real PITA to fill the shot/break and paste them in! UGH.

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Dag where did you acquire your 1/2" pump? That sounds like a tool with some possibilities.

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Wolter used to make a pump in this size, maybe even 3/8" probably thinking that there would be no demand for them. Apparently all the people starting out think smaller is better. Then they price went to a moderately insane level (a few hundred dollars). They probably still kept getting purchased for whatever reason. Now they're not available because it's probably as tedious to manufacture the tool as it is to manufacture the effect.


If you're going to make a cake, buy the tool and find tubes to fit. It really doesn't matter what size you get. The smallest generally available size is 3/4". If you really want something smaller, trying to build one yourself or ask to have it custom made. 3/4" or 1" really aren't too difficult to get to work. They take some dialing, but nothing too drastic. The real issue with the smaller ones is that even 70/30 flash isn't strong enough to break them consistently.

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Dag where did you acquire your 1/2" pump? That sounds like a tool with some possibilities.


It's a Wolter, I paid $35.00 for it a few years back at PGI in hopes of making a 3" cylinder shell full of tiny crossettes. I have pumped literally hundreds of them and only a couple dozen were useable. I used chlorate flash to break them but as Mum says, they did not break in the cruciform as I intended.

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