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What titanium should you use for a trail


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On skylighter http://www.skylighter.com/fireworks/how-to-make/pumped-stars.asp it said 80 mesh or courser what does that mean and it said also said about 80-200 mesh may ruin your star pump (I use a star pump for my d1 glitter stars (that's the only kind I know how to make now). I'm sorry I'm asking this but I researched im I found many answers and I didnt know what one was right.

So anyway what should I use I would like if it's on skylighter.



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I've never had any issues using -80 mesh titanium when pumping stars on the contrary when I used a larger mesh it was getting stuck in between the pins and the plate

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I've never had any issues using -80 mesh titanium when pumping stars on the contrary when I used a larger mesh it was getting stuck in between the pins and the plate

Ok thanks can you send me a link to the right mesh titanium im on skylighter that works

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Ok thanks can you send me a link to the right mesh titanium im on skylighter that works


First, asking for such a thing is called spoon feeding, like what your mom did when you were a baby. Are you still a baby? I don't think so. No one here wants to spoon feed you like one. You can go the skylighter, find the Ti, and look for something in the appropriate mesh size. If you look through skylighters archives, there are tons of good info in there from years gone by, including a nice article for you to understand mesh/micron sizes and particle shapes.


Second, you don't need (or want) to add Ti to D1. It's a gold glitter and makes a tail all by itself, it doesn't need anything added to it.

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Ok thanks can you send me a link to the right mesh titanium im on skylighter that works


Like I said I've been using -80 mesh (sherical Ti) with no problems, also, I recently bought some -60 mesh titanium and decided to pump some stars with it and so far I haven't had any problem with my plate getting stuck. note: I screen my spherical Ti (35 -120 mesh) with an 80 mesh screen to remove the coarser Ti, you're going to need to do some experimentacion to find out what mesh works for you

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