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lenght of 1/4 inch stars in star plate


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when using a star plate how long are the stars when they come out of a 1/4 inch star plate. looking to build a star plate since I cant find one for sale on the web

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Not sure where you're looking, but I'd start at either Rich Wolter's or Ben Smith's websites.


Generally stars are about as long as they are wide, maybe a little longer with bigger stars. If you're looking to make a plate that you fill with loose granular composition and then compress once to make finished stars, then the plate will need to be about 3 to 3 1/2 times as long as the diameter of the star.

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Wolter Pyro isn't taking orders right now, prepping for PGI, but will be back in action after the 18'th of august. FireSmith Pyrotechnic Tooling is accepting orders right away.

Starplates like this is something i would assume is "made to order" rather then something that is laying around pre-fabricated, and ready to be shipped out.


Something to think about... With both of these, you really need a press. Your in the area of 50 stars / go, to get sufficient PSI your going to need slightly more then hand power... Someone more familiar with the math can probably pitch in and give us a number for the press capacity needed for 49 respectively 56 pins.


Looking up the availability made me realize... i want one of Bens "Multi use" star plates, with fluted X shaped crossett pins. It's not that i NEED it, for the crossette work i've been doing my home made pump have served me well, but, it's one of those things you just want...


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If you contact Hunter at fireworktools.com he should have some in stock. I just ordered a plate off him yesterday. They look beautiful and are coated with that nituff or they call it 'pyrotuff' I think. Can't wait to get it :)

I just don't think he's updated the site yet. Just give him a buzz anyway he's helpful.

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If you were shooting for 500 psi on the comp. You would press at. . .


49 pin 1,202 psi


56 pin 1,374 psi

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Generally speaking, the lenght depends on the plate, loading pressure and the technic you are using.

If you just fill the plate with comp and press tge stars out, yoj will get different results. Thats why most times spacer bars are used.

First you press the stars, the insert spacer bars, and press stars out a little, trimm 'em off and then eject the stars. With this method, you can make the stars to every deried hight, but most times same high as diameter gets used.

Avery good demonstration of this is found at youtube on the xhannek of ned gorski (despite the lack of a respirator, 2hich resukted in a really bad poisoining for him)


If you buy a plate off Ben, you should add the machined spacer bars to your order.

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Neg got poisoned from the barium ??? When did this happen? Now I'm worried :(
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That happened a couple of months ago (at least). He was doing a video tutorial, so he had to be inside (for video purposes) and not wear the respirator (for audio purposes), as a result he inhaled some Barium dust (I don't remember for sure which he was working with, but I want to say it was Barium Nitrate) and felt like crap for a few days.


He's all better though.


A good example of why we should both work outside AND wear appropriate PPE.

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