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If sounder îng what charcoal is better for pyro


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Use the black willow for ball milled BP, and the hard wood for sparks/ general purpose use.
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Use the black willow for ball milled BP, and the hard wood for sparks/ general purpose use.

Will the black willow work for firework stars

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It will, but it tends to be kind of a waste. It's best saved for lift and burst. The commercial airfloat will work fine for basically everything else.



Also, is the title of this thread even English?

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It will, but it tends to be kind of a waste. It's best saved for lift and burst. The commercial airfloat will work fine for basically everything else.



Also, is the title of this thread even English?

Because that is the only charcoal I have when you its a waste is it because it doesn't work or because it's a waste of money

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Thanks I bought one pound of it how long should that last me

Depends on how quickly you use it

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Thanks I bought one pound of it how long should that last me

If you knew the ratio for BP i bet it would be pretty easy to figure out using basic math right?

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