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The demise of Thai rockets over 300 kg


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There are moves over here intent on limiting the very big rockets and Tourbillions being launched during the rainy season rocket festivals.

The main reason is safety or rather lack of. Thais are well known for a mentality that says damn it all if you're having fun but things are changing .

Many people are injured and a few killed each year in dola or rocket related accidents. Given that the whole activity is totaly unregulated and that there are no laws whatsoever governing these events or the size, manufacture and launch of these devices it's hardly suprising.

The news article suggests the PVC rockets are something new; they are not. Traditional Bamboo cased rockets went out of favor over 20 years ago and I have only ever seen one small one ( 5 kg) fired at a festival here in the past 20 years.

I predict that within a year or two the massive 1000 Kg size rocket will be banned and a thing of the past to wonder and marvel over and would not be suprised to see the overall weight limited to under 200 kg. Currently the most popular size launched at festivals is a 320 kg monster pressed into a 6 inch diameter tube.

For any of you hoping to visit here and see first hand these amazing rockets time is running out.



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Udon Thani - Boon Bung Fai Rockets At Ban That:
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Ever since hearing about these festivals I've wanted to go. I hope they don't ban the big ones before I can get there!

Anyone see the movie "The Rocket" that came out in 2013? It's a movie that has the rocket festival as part of it.

You can find it online.. Its all in the native language, so there are english subtitles. Decent movie. There is a bat shit rocket fuel recipe used in the movie. No real specifics are given about the formula, but I wonder if it really works.

Edited by Juiceh
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