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Newbee trying to figure out how a lift charge works with a salute


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Now I have seen MANY videos on this but I guess I'm having trouble understanding how a lift charge won't detonate a salute when the lift goes off? Please help me I maybe mistaken but aren't most lifts made with flash? I was thinking i might be able to subsitute flash for FFFF because it burns so fast and when contained is very explosive/loud. I love the big BANGS you get from salutes and if i can add color into them that would be great!



I can understand how the lift would work as far as pushing a charge out of a tube. I can't seem to find many video's on making the lift part.

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Absolutely NO lifts are made from flash. Spend a LONG time reading well regarded texts before you make anything more. Realistically you shouldn't need to make flash for the first year of successful shell making.

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Now I have seen MANY videos on this but I guess I'm having trouble understanding how a lift charge won't detonate a salute when the lift goes off? Please help me I maybe mistaken but aren't most lifts made with flash? I was thinking i might be able to subsitute flash for FFFF because it burns so fast and when contained is very explosive/loud. I love the big BANGS you get from salutes and if i can add color into them that would be great!



I can understand how the lift would work as far as pushing a charge out of a tube. I can't seem to find many video's on making the lift part.


K3wl5 and b00m3rz have no place here Rogue. If you want legitimate help with real fireworks then stay around and learn. Come here looking for b00m3rz? Don't bother, Don't ask.


Making real fireworks using tried and true methods has yielded extensive injuries, a n00b looking to make reports? No on my watch!

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i did ask if it was OK to subsitute. I was trying to still have a salute with color and not use flash... please re read my post

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For someone as early in the game as you are there is not substitute for lift. You should only use BP the grain size can depend on the size of the shell. I would suggest doing more homework about shells and how they are built. All the info is here you just have to find it. I personally don't think you should be building shells for you first project (especially salutes)! You should try making some fountains or rockets first until you learn how to make decent BP to lift a shell with.
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K3wl5 and b00m3rz have no place here Rogue. If you want legitimate help with real fireworks then stay around and learn. Come here looking for b00m3rz? Don't bother, Don't ask.


Making real fireworks using tried and true methods has yielded extensive injuries, a n00b looking to make reports? No on my watch!


You come across as more of a noob typing all retarded through your entire post. Good job jumping to conclusions. He seems like a confused newcomer that is asking a legitimate question to me.



Rogue, you really should get your info from reliable sources. Maser posted a good link, further info from Skylighter, that Ned Gorski has made is reliable info. The one and only thing you should use for lift is black powder. The charcoal, mill time, granule size, and other minor things will attribute to how much you will need. Read up and feel free to ask more questions, as many of us will actually try to help you.

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Like stated before, keep your hands off the flash, there is no reason to use them as a beginner. Some of the posts abovei may be sounding quite rude, don't worry about that, but keep in mind people only looking for a big boom aren't very welcome over here. Thats not what pyro really is.


Masterface posted a link above with really god informations, also read the other tutorials on skylighter.

A really god starting point for you would be to get the turbo Pyro book and kit from skylighter. This gives you 10 Projects to get started and learn basic principles.


Also for your question, there are three big lift charges, H3, benzo and bp.

H3 got abdonned as it 1quite dangerous compared to other charges, witch are much more surpreme in Lifting capacity. B3nzo gets sometimes used for smqll shellw, but is normally too powerfull with quite a high risk off blowing blind shells or fail to ignite them. Also it got a couple discussed issues with shock ressistency and static.

Now for the last Black Powder: This is the most common lift charge, the size of granules depends on the shell size normally from ffg to 2fA. This is used as it ismthe safest lift charge of all, with the lowest potential of failing to lift or ignite the shells and also the lowest risk to be set off by shock.


Also yes if you make a salute, you can use black powder instead of flash, but still, like said before. Keep your hands of the salutes, until you really learned hownthings work.

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i did ask if it was OK to subsitute. I was trying to still have a salute with color and not use flash... please re read my post


Rogue, here is your posting: "Please help me I maybe mistaken but aren't most lifts made with flash? I was thinking i might be able to subsitute flash for FFFF because it burns so fast and when contained is very explosive/loud." I read that as a reference to lift, not break, sorry for the confusion.


Now that that is settled, K3wl5 and b00m3rz have no place here Rogue. If you want legitimate help with real fireworks then stay around and learn. Come here looking for b00m3rz? Don't bother, Don't ask. Making real fireworks using tried and true methods has yielded extensive injuries, a n00b looking to make reports? No on my watch!

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You come across as more of a noob typing all retarded through your entire post. Good job jumping to conclusions. He seems like a confused newcomer that is asking a legitimate question to me.



Rogue, you really should get your info from reliable sources. Maser posted a good link, further info from Skylighter, that Ned Gorski has made is reliable info. The one and only thing you should use for lift is black powder. The charcoal, mill time, granule size, and other minor things will attribute to how much you will need. Read up and feel free to ask more questions, as many of us will actually try to help you.


Pretty much the same vomit you always come up with, thanks for reading his post in context.

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