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Which Aluminum


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Hi everyone. I'm trying to choose an aluminum for Slow Flash Burst charge. My choices are as follows: All are bright aluminum flake, stearin coated and all are 100% -325 mesh. The only differences are micron particle sizes.

#1- has 5-46 micron particle size, #2 has 20-40 micron particle size and #3 has 5-28 micron particle size.


Which one should I use and why? Thanks everyone. Kurt

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Hi everyone. I'm trying to choose an aluminum for Slow Flash Burst charge. My choices are as follows: All are bright aluminum flake, stearin coated and all are 100% -325 mesh. The only differences are micron particle sizes.

#1- has 5-46 micron particle size, #2 has 20-40 micron particle size and #3 has 5-28 micron particle size.


Which one should I use and why? Thanks everyone. Kurt


For slow flash, I would go with #3. The smaller particles will offer you more OOMPH! if you need to boost it up some and you can back if off by changing the ratio as well without wasting expensive Al.

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