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you tube video flying quad helicopter though shells exploding


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Fireworks filmed with a drone:
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I'm wondering if this was done with approval of the AHJ and/or display operator? It is indeed a unique perspective.

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I could only imagine the quad getting hit by a shell and falling out of the sky to injure somebody spectating in the crowd.
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I'm wondering if this was done with approval of the AHJ and/or display operator? It is indeed a unique perspective.


It wasn't in the USA, look at the monument to the left, Italy perhaps?

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It wasn't in the USA, look at the monument to the left, Italy perhaps?


The background music and scenery tends to make one think it might be foreign, possibly Italy, but why would another nation besides the USA celebrate independence day on the 4th?


duh! .....Well, maybe it wasn't an independence day celebration since most everyone in all counties enjoy fireworks whenever and wherever they happen. :P

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Does anything in that video resemble weddings or funerals in China, or are you just posting vaguely related off-topic comments as usual?

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It is an interesting video. I wouldn't be too happy if someone were flying one of those around my shoot site. I'd find it distracting, I get pretty in tune to the normal sights and sounds of the show, and worry that another object with colored lights flying through the air would distort noticing problems. If it didn't have lights to distract the audience during calm parts of the show, was back away from the site rather than directly overhead, and was sanctioned by my crew, it would be a neat perspective.

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All I am saying is that if the video was in China they could be shooting fireworks because of someone's wedding or funeral, it's usual there. I'm simply replying to someone who said the video might not be taken in the USA. I mean no other countries I know of celebrates anything on July 4 except for the US, and in China fireworks could go off any time of the year because they use it for anything of significance.

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The same can be said for most places. Fireworks are used to celebrate occassions. We have shows sold all year. Weddings, football games, company picnics, grand openings, town festivals, races, concerts, county fairs, the list goes on and on. I shoot more shows in the "off season" than I do for the 4th.

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The Chinese culture takes it to the next level. In addition to what you just said above, it includes any event of significance or religious holidays (and there are numerous, since there are many gods). For example: birth, death, wedding, graduation, wisdom teeth pulled, growth spurts, etc. etc.. Basically the Chinese believes that fireworks chases away bad spirits so they will find any excuse to use them. Living in any Chinese country means you will hear fireworks go off for no particular reason, at anytime of the year or day! (You will hear fireworks at 3am simply because some fortune teller think thats the best time to do it)

Edited by taiwanluthiers
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New Drone video !

DRONE Footage from INSANE Backyard Fireworks Show!:

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