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advice on making this "crude" nitrocellulose


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I recently found my old pill bottle full of nitrocellulose, i dont remember how i got it, i think i at one point just "had" a pill bottle, and there was a big box of the NC flakes or discs, whatever they are called, so i just scooped it up.

anyway, its pretty fun stuff, much safer and cleaner than bp, given the various grades of bp ive been exposed to and the fact ive never made working bp before.

Anywho, for what i used it for it was pretty fun, so i thought, seeing as how i can literally just BUY 99% sulfuric acid at the SUPERMARKET, not kidding around here, i might try and make my own, i already have the sulfuric acid, and some potassium nitrate.

what im aiming for is to make a mess , just mix together some nitrate, acid and cotton in a chilled beaker in an ice bath, courtesy of my peltier cool plate, let it sit for a while, let it dry, then dissolve into a laquer with acetone and attempt to filter it.

the end product ide like to use as both a reactive NC laquer as well as just for mucking about as i always have.

i want to know though, will this work? at very least ide like to make something suitable for fuse coating and perhaps making use of as a binder.

something tells me this will be a waste of time, it just seems too easy.

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Give Nighthawk a shout, he makes nitrated cotton all the time (I am guessing that is what you have?) safely. That sulfuric acid can bite you before you know it. Proceed with great caution!

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Given your nonchalant attitude about even doing this marginally correctly, and just to muck around with it, I suggest you find another hobby. You've proven time and time again you can't handle this safely or responsibly.

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