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FeTi - Any potential spark issue ?


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Hi All,

As I was hand ramming some 1# rockets today, I was adding some FeTi above the spindle for delay, and suddenly I wondered about a spark or friction heat issue with the FeTi 40 - 325 mesh. I have used it occasionally before on hand rammed rockets, Just today I wondered about any potential issues because of the iron? Maybe best just to stick with straight Ti or 80 mesh coal. Thanks for any info.


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Both Ti and Fe are capable of sparking against themselves, as would the alloy. Many people have hand rammed it plenty of times, but it's far from "safe". Pressing would assure some more safety but I know that's not always an option for some people. Wear gloves, and ram away from any other pyro, cover your comp between loading the increments. If you have any kind of issue, at least it will be minimized.

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Thank you, that is basically what I was thinking. The information that I have read on Ti , seems to only indicate an issue if it is pinched between the spindle and the ram. It was the iron that got me thinking of this alloy even tough I am loading above the spindle. Always need to be thinking of the big picture, in this case pounding metal flakes together surrounded by BP.


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Pinching between the spindle and ram are regarded as the most likely source of ignition, so if you only use them in your delay, that will alleviate that issue. However, particles can still end up between the ram and wall of the tube and then grind against each other when the ram is twisted or withdrawn, and that too could cause an issue. Hence the advice to wear gloves and other PPE, cover your comp container and work well away from other materials. Just in case.

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