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My First Rocket


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This is a 3" long End Burner Rocket. I used 9 grams of my home made water granulated BP with a 1 gr. Flash Powder head. I timed the flight time around 3.68 sec.



Thanks guys,

Mike J

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Congrats, MWJ!

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Gotta be proud of that one Mike! The cookies are in the mail. ;)

Great! Thanks Dagabu. :)

Thanks guys, I have another one to shoot off tonite. I put 3 red stars in it and want to test it when it's dark outside. I just very happy the rocket didn't go boom before it launched.

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After I finished making the rocket I cleaned out the nozzle with a 1/8" drill bit, turning it by hand. Then the fuse fits in nice too. I was afraid of getting a crack in my fuel while I was ramming it causing it to pop. It's nice when you do something for the first time and it works.

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Nice work MWJ.
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Nice work MWJ.

Thanks. :)

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Sweet !! rocket are so intriguing, :)

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks, I had a lot of advise from Dag.

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  • 2 weeks later...

MJ, add about 4" more of stick and use wood glue to adhere it to the motor. The flight will be a lot farther and straighter.


I am bringing a dozen sets of 1/2" rocket tooling with me to PGI, anybody can come to my table and make all the rockets they want. I am open to selling the sets as well to get back my materials cost. The sets I have now are for a full 4" tube, a whole inch longer than the MJ is using. That is a full 3" of BP that will burn for about 9 seconds of flight time.

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OK, I'll try it when I can light rockets off again, thanks Dave. Have fun at the PGI! :)

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