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Skylighter Overpriced


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I always thought that skylighter's prices were a little high and just went to a club meet in Texas. Every shell builder there told me that his prices were on the high side. I just found a site (Hobby-Chemical-Supply) and was just *slightly* *displeased* with what I found. The exact same order 1lb silicon -325 mesh, 1lb -125 mesh AT Al, and a pound of 80 mesh mixed hardwood charcoal with shipping was 40% cheaper! I'm not bagging on Harry personally, I mean we all have to make a profit, but c'mon man! Just my opinion. (Although Harry does have some good specials and free extras sometimes) Edited by Jordan
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Harry is expensive, that is true but he carries kits, items that are hard to find and it is all 100% legally shipped. So many people have started with the Turbo Pyro kit and have gone from there to bulk purchases elsewhere. Harry is the gateway to pyro, let him have his empire.

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I agree with dag, great place to start out for most. He even runs some decent specials that are worth while. I think the thread title is a little unfair, but that's just me.
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I started out with harry in 2009, i bought my first 1lb of dextrin, sulfur , potassium nitrate , and charcoal . made my first fountain :)

He started my hobby in crating fireworks from chemicals, before then i use to tear apart fireworks to get stars and such.

IMO i think his website is great for the kits and beginners, He definitely isn't someone to buy bulk from , but he is a great place to start off

And with the articles Ned.G wrote for his site, Its great :D


Stay Safe and Stay Green



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Harry is expensive, that is true but he carries kits, items that are hard to find and it is all 100% legally shipped.



Harry is basically your one-stop shop and whatever he sends is not just packed in small bags but even in tubs.

It is true that he is on the more expensive side for most common items but if you don´t like it, then stop ranting and either try to negotiate for another price with him or buy from someone else.


Just as a hint: Harry often has sales with either free shipping or some significant discount on common items like KNO3 or perchlorate that suddenly end up with competitive prices.

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Yea I think the title of the thread is unfair also, Harry's specials are fine and he has a lot of info on his site.

Having said that due diligence is a good thing, no need to bash him.

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@Jordan: I agree that some of Harry's chems are on the expensive side, but he really does always have great deals running all the time. For example, right now Harry's deal of the day is KClO4 for 4.47/lb. At hobby chemical supply right now KClO4 is 6.50/lb.
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I know I'm being a little unfair, but I'm too young to "legally" get a job where I live and it's kind of hard not buying in bulk. I mostly order in 1-3lb chunks and just wish there were an easier way to obtain chemicals like this. I almost always order when the item I'm looking for is a deal of the day or a one time special. (buy 1 get 1 free bp kit, 3lbs. spherical Ti free, free shipping, etc.) I guess my point is that it's just hard not buying in bulk until I'm old enough to get a job. (go minimum wage! ;)


Thanks All, Jordan

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I buy 90% of my chems at club meets. We have a few vendors who are members of the club and a few members who buy in bulk and split things down for great prices or split a drum of something 3 or 4 ways. Shipping is the killer with most vendors and I would much rather pick something up when I can. You'll learn that joining a club is the best way to go further in this hobby. Most clubs I have been around are very supportive of their younger members and encourage them to learn safely.


As noted, watch for Skylighter's sales and you might be surprised. I recently ordered a book from him that was about $2 more than the price from another, much harder to reach source. Don't forget that Harry has tons of information on his site, for free. All the tutorials, blog articles and Turbo Pyro kit are great projects and Harry doesn't charge a cent for them to view online. For this reason, I buy from him if there is a kit or a small amount of a chem I want.

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The same could be said about Firefox... but their selection and friendly service bring me back for those hard to find items.


I envy you Nate, I wish chems were easier to just pick up out here. Even at western winter blast this past year, chems were slim pickings.

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Firefox is good as well, and they have things that I have not seen from anyone else.


It is funny, because with the wide open expanse of the West, you would think it would be different. The midwest seems to be the mecca for fireworks.

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If you're not old enough to "legally" get a job, then you're definitely not old enough to legally order from Skylighter. As others have pointed out, Skylighter is generally a one stop shop. They carry most everything, offer wonderful tutorials, and ship everything by the book. Other suppliers can offer lower prices by offering fewer items, perhaps not following all shipping rules, and by not relying on chem sales as a primary source of income.


If you're only going to buy small quantities of chemicals at a time, you have to live with higher costs and less frequent deals. This is how the world works, not just pyro. I fully support Nater on the mention of clubs, which clearly you've begun to utilize. They'll generally be one of your best sources for learning, training, and supplies.

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I am a full member of the PAT fireants and just attended my 4th club meet in Caddo Mills. I receive lots of guidance and information from the people there. Ive built shells and rockets and i got to help out with 3 1.4 shows, I must agree that clubs are the best possible way to learn and get guidance from. Edited by Jordan
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That is great to hear about being involved with the club! Keep it up. Just remember to keep your focus on your education and part time job when you can get one. Hobbies are great, but Family, career or education is more important.

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Who said this can't be my career? ;)
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Good for you, Jordan. Maybe you will be the next Werner von Braun (without the Nazi stuff).

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I only buy from Travis. (Hobby Chemical Supply) He was selling pyro stuff back when ebay still allowed potassium perchlorate and chlorate. I bought a pound of german dark from him off ebay years ago and had'nt seen him around for awile until recently last year I found out he has a legit buisness now. He was legit then but now he has more inventory. Not to mention he's in Iowa, where I was born and raised. Every order from him has been spot on.


Now Skylighter, I have'nt ordered anything from Harry yet. His rubber star kit has been on my mind for awile. When I have the money I think I'll give it a shot.

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I only buy from Travis. (Hobby Chemical Supply) He was selling pyro stuff back when ebay still allowed potassium perchlorate and chlorate. I bought a pound of german dark from him off ebay years ago and had'nt seen him around for awile until recently last year I found out he has a legit buisness now. He was legit then but now he has more inventory. Not to mention he's in Iowa, where I was born and raised. Every order from him has been spot on.


Now Skylighter, I have'nt ordered anything from Harry yet. His rubber star kit has been on my mind for awile. When I have the money I think I'll give it a shot.


IOWA? Are you a member of the IPA?

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The PAT club is almost exclusively catered to display shooters and almost no building goes on. I really wish we had access to Western Winter Blast or PGI. We seem to be stuck at the furthest point in the lower 48 from any legit building events.


As far as Skylighter goes, you can really catch some sweet deals from him. You just gotta wait. Never order from him on just any ole day. You gotta wait to strike it big with him. Check out pastimepyrochemicals. They seem to have neat stuff from time to time

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It is kinda high there, but I order from him still. I think all the info he gives out is worth the costs. I have learned soo much from skylighter.

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Skylighter's a great place, and I can always count on the chems being top quality. The prices are a bit high, but I don't mind considering how much knowledge I have gained from reading their tutorials and information.
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I got interested in this hobby because of Skylighter. I saw the kits and thought, Ha that sounds like alot of fun and then found this site. I was hooked at first post.

Edited by MWJ
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Harry used to routinely have 50% off your entire order once or twice a year. Even at that discount some things were over priced, but it normally averaged out pretty good on a good size order. And those orders tend to be much bigger than planned which I'm sure was the purpose of the sale. Especially if you could take advantage of the free delivery to a meet. However, he hasn't had one of those in a few years.


His initial sale of the 5 gallon buckets of chems were also a pretty good deal. And I now likely have a lifetime supply of a few things I probably don't need.


Skylighter is good for those harder to find chems and when you just need a pound or two of a few things. You know he will likely have it and it will be shipped promptly and be packaged well. If you need a lot of something then Skylighter isn't the best supplier if you have an attachment to your money. There are a few items that I had/have over a hundred pounds of, but none where full price was paid. And none that were planned. Dam you Harry!

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