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Can I get a license to legally shoot all consumer fireworks in NC?


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I live outside the city and would like to legally obtain a permit to shoot any consumer type firework. North Carolina only allows fountains but nothing that leaves the ground. Can I take a class/pay a fee to get a permit to shoot other kinds of fireworks? If so, how exactly do I do this?

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Im from NC, and to get fireworks all i do is drive 45 minutes to SC and by fireworks right outside of carowinds BLV,

I usually dont hear anything from the police when i fire consumer shells because they enjoy the fireworks as much as i , its only when firing 1.3 that they get mad :P

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Don't you mean 1.4g, pyroman?

no what I was saying is that the police don't care about 1.4 usually , but when I take out my bigger 3's and light them they get passed because the neighborhood complaints .


Hey pyroman, where abouts in Nc are you? I'm in the Burlington area.




I'm just outside of the Charlotte area between albamarel , you about an 1hr28 minutes away from me , your closer to the Durham and Virginia boarder , you should attend a club with me , I'm part of MAPAG and we hold a shoot in Virginia every month :) . It's non profit so if can't afford to pay your membership when it's do ,we don't force it exactly on time . We go by what people can afford , ideally it would be great if you could pay the 75$ membership fee but we know that the economy isn't great right now , we aren't going to kick you to the street because the economy is bad . We all have landed on a rough time and won't kick you out for it . Edited by pyroman2498
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The fee is not so much the problem it's my work schedule as I work Fri - Sun noon to midnight......






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