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TR Rocket Tooling


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Hi guys,


few days before I got my new rocket tool. It has the dimensions of Tom Rebenklaus tool. Pretty long spindle. Made by Ben Smith. Very nice work from him. Today I pressed my first motor on it.. Fuel is also from TR (57-34-9). Have a 3 "ID header built for it. (10x 1 "Crossettes wheights 400g) I'm very curious if everything works. :D
Edited by VikingPyrotechnics
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I read this on fireworking , And im really interesting to see if that shell will be lifted.

Toms Tools seem to only work for him ;) keep me posted on this :D .

Btw did you use his formula for rockets that he uses ? EDIT: Sorry i didnt read the above , i just skimmed it :P

Anyways Good luck VP .


Stay Safe and Stay Green



Edited by pyroman2498
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Nice work, Beautiful rocket!


Where did you buy that tooling and the tubes for it?

I've looked on google for those names Ben Smith, Tom Rebenklau but I couldn't find a shop that sells this tooling, I have never seen it before.


My last question is what's inside the fuel? you said 57-34-9 but it looks like some titanium was added right?

Edited by psypuls
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I guess the superbp core tool that he sells should be similar, what about the tubes? where did you buy them? I don't know many shops that can ship to sweden (if they can ship to germany, should be able to ship here as well)

Subscribed to your Youtube channel btw

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Are the motors made with this tooling nozzleless?

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Are the motors made with this tooling nozzleless?

i can answer this one for you ,

from the pics on Fireworking , i can see clay in the tube where the nozzle is so im going with yes it has a nozzle :P

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  • 1 month later...

Viking, the shell break was extremely nice, hot, fast but no remaining embers floating to distract from the crossetts.


One item to note about the motor tube itself, I notice you have 'calibrated' wrinkles along the length from pressing. Have you tried waxing your tubes since? I am afraid that if your rockets are like mine, they will all pop after being left for some time to relax.

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How does this spindle differ from a "normal" coreburner tool - it seems like it just has a slightly longer spindle, is that correct?


I wonder why this is done, imho it would be more efficient to use a wider nozzle and 75-15-10 fuel instead of this Tigertail style mixture. A charcoal ember dumping machine - optimized for optical effect?



And considering the tubes, are these the cheapo tubes from a certein Cracow dealer? I bet the tubes suck compared to the blue tubes made in Germany?

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Thank you Dag :)


That was my first motor on the tool, so I had to make myself a new support sleeve. This was not perfect and did not sit 100% around the tube.
Problem is solved. :) Yes waxed tubes I use for my hot Nozzleless rockets :D
Hi Mabuse,
Yes, the spindle is quite a bit longer. With this tool, it is not necessarily about the Power. It's more about the art how the engine performs. Normal example, they have a nice slow flight, but still enough power to get the shells high enough. LaDuke style rockets are much much faster in the ascent, which I personally do not like so much at BP rockets. If I want power, I press me a few whistle rockets. :D
And no, these tubes are not the bad ones from east europe.... I've let these tubes produce by Eger in Germany. Pretty good quality ...
Edited by VikingPyrotechnics
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That's what I thought.

I would rather prefer a motor for max efficiency and glue some comet on there, but that's personal preference.


But these must make killer nozzleless motors ;)


Do you need oversized tubes? I mean longer then 10x Id?

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Always look forward to your videos. I have been meaning to tell you, your displays are beautiful and your handiwork is meticulous. Incidentally, Eger tubes are my favorite, superior in quality and consistency even to NEPT (in my opinion).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would think there has to be a way to get that type of rocket (slow ascending with good power and tail) with Dukes tooling but might take some R&D work to get there.

Edited by oldspark
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That's what I thought.

I would rather prefer a motor for max efficiency and glue some comet on there, but that's personal preference.


But these must make killer nozzleless motors ;)


Do you need oversized tubes? I mean longer then 10x Id?


Mab, these rockets are specific to the task of lifting sub 3" shells to the perfect viewing height while giving a splendid BP sound and a delightful glitter tail. TR took decades to develop these rockets and shells, he is a former Grand master and a friend of mine and many, many PGI members.


The reason so many of us pursue his rockets and shells is the simplicity and size of the shells which mimic shells of a much larger size. The rocket motors are the most reliable there are, they do not spiral or twist, they dont track off where they are aimed and never disappoint. The whole idea of copying his tooling is to duplicate the effect, not performance or economy.


Edited by dagabu
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I owe TR a long conversation. In LaPorte, I promised him that I would sit down with him and discuss his tooling in depth and get a better understanding of his methods. I did the Superstring and had no time for the conversation so I am looking forward to seeing him again to pick his brain.

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I owe TR a long conversation. In LaPorte, I promised him that I would sit down with him and discuss his tooling in depth and get a better understanding of his methods. I did the Superstring and had no time for the conversation so I am looking forward to seeing him again to pick his brain.

Please do, and share, and do share. Part of it seams to be his background, he's very methodical, and precise, repeating a build doesn't just produce a similar unit, it's damn near a clone. We all know this is key to dial in our builds, but actually being able to maintain it... Anyways, do pick his brains, and tell him he's got fans from all over the world.


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Nice looking rockets, Viking. Looking forward to the vids.

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Those rockets are pyro porn :D xD
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Hehehe thank you :)


Got a gift today from the USA. Thanks to the donor. :)










I am planning 2 report rings. the first ignites at 2 seconds and the second at 2.5 seconds. Very pleasant to work with these yellow cap plugs. :)

Let's see if it works.............

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VP, Looking at all your photos in this thread, I can see the work of a real artist. Beautiful.

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