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Occasional depression thread

Pretty green flame

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No, what was it about? I know global warming, but what did he say to get you so pissed?
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Its been too cold for too long so I think someone is full of it! Too used to the short springs we have been having I guess. I wanted to shoot I few more shells last night but after several beers decided to hold off!
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Yah, you and me both, M.


This Winter season in Minnesota so far:


Was the coldest average in a decade, and

Had more days below zero than in the past 9(10?) COMBINED.

Had the earliest "snow-that-stayed" (early November) in over 15 years.



Global warming, my shiny red ass....



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Yeah, no I doubt that this is global warming. If it was it should be nice and hot. Me personnally I have the crappiest weather ever, you guys can shoot, since it is not really raining, just snowing :D.
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Global warming does not neccessarily (sp?) mean only higher temperatures. From what i understand global warming means extreme weather, so extreme winters (I wish), higer temperatures during the summer, drought, flooding


But I guess untill peopple get affected by it they just wont understand. Let me know how it feels in the summer when the temp gets over 40*C



Anyway, global warming or not, we can't treat our enviorment like total and utter shit, call me a tree hugger but that's what I think.

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Hey, hey, I know what it feels like when it is like 40°C, in (was it 2001?) it was like 37-38°C. It's tru about what you say that we are treating our enviromment like shit, here in Europe it is not so easy to see, but man, if you ever get a chance to go down to Venezuela...
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Things wont change till it is too late... I don't have a stand point on either side of the road... But I agree with you about the extreme weather... It isn't just going to get hot... It effects the other weather also such as winter storms and average storms...


Personally I love storms (=

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I worked elsewhere over the summer where the temperature did achieve over 40C for a week or two. Wasn't as bad as I would have imagined. A 105F Montana summer day was much more bearable than an 85F with 95% humidity Wisconsin summer day. There is a joke here. What do you call it when the snow turns to rain? Spring. Not far from the truth either. You can shoot in the rain much easier than the snow. It might be less pleasant, but if you've ever tried to dig a gun into frozen ground you'd know what I'm talking about. No worries about fires or large patches of black snow giving away your activities.


There was some discussion of a "global warming" causing a second ice age in Europe due to disruption of the current jet stream path. It heating up in france would be a good thing for you oskar. Not sure if it's true though, haven't looked into the facts, and Al Gore isn't quite qualified enough for me to believe him straight out interestingly enough. Based on what I read it seems plausible at least.

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Nice post Mumbles...


But I am quite depressed... I have to wait till tomorrow for the ceramic/pottery store to open... why would a store only be open tuesday wednesday and thursday... lol... Learned to make something and the stuff I need I have to wait to get...


/rant off


Is it Tuesday yet.......

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If your ever in Austin, Armadillo Clay supply has a decent selection. You need to ask for a catalog to see the chem selection now as they moved it out of the general store area.
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Some wierd assed sickness is going around that has just sapped the hell out my energy. Two midterms tomorrow, and its my birthday. Ironically this adds to the depression because of the other shite. Peaches. Oh right Spring Break this week too, which I'll most likely be sick for. Double Peaches :angry:
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While gaving to me my package full with KNO3, the doorman of the building asked me what does it contain, because it was heavy. (He gives the big packages, you can't take them directly from the mail box). I was a little nervous, so I answered him that is was just a chemical. But I got scared, because I thought he'll think of me suspicious, so after putting the KNO3 in my appartment, I came back and I told him that I do some chemistry, and this is saltpeter. He was going to ask me what I do with it, but he was busy, carrying stuff, so I came back to my appartment. Now I really fear of him, if he thinks that I do something bad, and calls the cops or something. He's a nice guy, he knows my parents and others that come here, he did some services for us, we gave him presents, etc. So I count on that. I don't know if I should trust him and tell him that I'm pyro.



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I bent the spindle on my 3/8"rocket tools, I bought 2 lbs of 12 mic al flake from hawk mount, and don't have the cash for any perch...

I broke the belt on my ball mill... I can't shoot anything off without a 3 hour trip to the desert. My writing teacher hates me, and consequently, I hate her too. I've been feeling sick for a week, and my head is constantly feeling like it's in a trash compactor... And my mom is not vocally or financially supportive towards my hobby.


What else could go wrong?

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Don't ever say what else can go wrong... Because normally it does...


Btw... How do you know how having your head in a trash compactor can feel? Hopefully not a personal experience...

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That my friend is called a figure of speech, albeit an accurate one.
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Sitting here watching snow fall, when I was planning to plant hops rhizomes this weekend. Al Gore kiss my frozen butt.
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But Froze, don't you understand, Global warming is actually resulting in the cooling of the planet....I mean,..according to the U.N. that the average earth temperature in 8 of the last 10 years has decreased due to global warming,.... and the decrease in CO2 has been due to the increase in CO2... or is the other way around...uh...well, I don't understand it.... but just watch Al Gores movie....and don't worry about the disclaimers that point out the the "science" is all wrong, and you'll understand... :rolleyes:
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hst45, I've watched that movie and I don't understand it. I do know that I have heard that like ever 20-40 years the earth warms and cools. I also know that there is someone suing Al Gore; claiming that the suer has scientific proof that Gore's proof is false. Its kind of funny actually.
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I also know that there is someone suing Al Gore; claiming that the suer has scientific proof that Gore's proof is false. Its kind of funny actually.

Being incorrect isn't really grounds for a lawsuit honestly if it was people would sue cartoons and fantasy movies all the time.

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If anything they should sue the Nobel foundation for giving him that undeserved award. He gets an award for making a movie and doing no work, and I am going to bust my balls in a lab for the rest of my life, and get one when I am 85 and can enjoy it for the last 6 months of my life. But when I get it, I will wear that around my neck every day. :D


Of course I am being quite overly optimistic about my future career.

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The only reason that moron won was because the other "entrant" in the same category was a female ex-Nazi, against whom there was strong evidence of having committed atrocities against the Jews in WW2. Shit, they would have given ME the award first.
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I'm just saying, for sciences there is a minimum 20 year waiting period or so. Not only does said research have to be monumental, it has to become useful and applicable in every day science. It can't just be a hot topic of the day. If they want to give him it 15 years down the road when people make significant progress on the problem, then sure I'll at least not be as opposed to it. And thus my short rant on why I don't think getting a peace prize is as impressive as getting one of the scientific ones.



Hmmmmmm, maybe I should make a documentary on why cancer is bad. :)

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First I have a shitty weekend, then the week starts out shitty.. let me rewind it for ya... Saturday night I decide to hook my pop machine back up to the water supply - no big deal, right? Well, I went to bed at about 2 AM, after it'd been hooked up for 6 hours or so, no leaks, no worries... I wake up at 8 AM sunday to knocking, and on my way past the kitchen... my kegs are floating!? I know what this is all about. So anyways, I tell the guy the sink was dripping and overflowed, blah blah, and I spend 2 or 3 hours siphoning the water out of my keezer.. 50 or 60 gallons or so. I find the leak; there was a kink in the hose and it ruptured in the night, not very fast. I figure, ok, it couldn't have leaked that much after having to fill the whole damn freezer full of water..


Monday morning we wake up to the apartment manager calling, she says it's an emergency, I say, "What emergency? There's no emergency. That was yesterday." She says she's coming over and pretty well shoves her way in the door once I answer.. Long story short, she sees our birds and now we're going to have to move - as I'm not willing to get rid of the birds. What a frigging pain! We've already got a line on a cheaper place, it's on a 5th floor but there looks to be an elevator from google maps.


My wife's going to check out the new place, and maybe sign the deal. It sounds like a better deal than what we've got now anyways, there's a balcony (good for chemistry stuff!) and the storage is in suite. Built in A/C and utilities included for a little less than what we're paying now, plus it's closer to both of our places of work.


But God Damn! I have a LOT of shit to move!!!

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i've got good news and I've got bad news.


The bad news:

I've got until may 1st to get rid of(excuse spelling errors)


70lb of potassium nitrate

5lb stronium carbonate

5lb copper carbonate

5lb barium carbonate

5lb red iron oxide

10lb 650 mesh spherical aluminum

20lb mesquite charcoal

8lb willow charcoal

5lb sulfur


and roughly 300ft of flying fish/falling leaf/visco fuse.


The good news?


I've got until may 1st to get rid of(excuse spelling errors)


70lb of potassium nitrate

5lb stronium carbonate

5lb copper carbonate

5lb barium carbonate

20lb mesquite charcoal

8lb willow charcoal

5lb sulfur


and roughly 300ft of flying fish/falling leaf/visco fuse.


I'm thinking I'll make a few massive fountains that I'll store for the 4th and mass manufacture flying fish mines.


The remaining kno3 will be made into a massive smoke bomb and set off in a deserving location.


I have to get rid of all of this by the 1st because I just got evicted and I'll probably be moving into an apartment. Strangely enough it's not because of anything I did. Long story short I live in Cali and the person I rent from had a variable rate mortgage that went from 2k to 4k and he has to sell the house. I'll probably end up either getting a studio apartment or new housemates.


So here's to 22 more days of pyro.


Any suggestions on what to make?

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If she "practically forced her way in the door", and you have witnesses, tell her if she tries to make an issue of it and forces you to move, you'll call the cops and have assault and tresspassing charges filed against her. What a bitch.

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