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Rocket tails - how to get the tail effect to stay away from the header


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As you all know, we strive for the perfect picture. Now, when you happen to be building rockets, you kinda do want the effects to be in perfect order.

For me, this would mean: Launch with noise - rocket tail - tail ends and header deploys.

Now for the tricky part: how do you actually manage to get the tail to end right before the header goes off. Yes, I know, with a nice salute on top that happens to be another question since you just vaporize the top of the tube but for an effect header this becomes a more interesting challenge. Especially if you have a very delicate effect in the header it becomes paramount that the tail is gone and you don't have an incompatible streak of color in between your effects. A good example would be to have a strong silver trail and then turn to red peony crossette. The combination will look interesting but having a silver streak in the crossettes will ruin the picture.


Now for the technical aspect, how to time the burnout as closely to the deployment of the effect without having the two mix? The issue is always that the rocket engine is burning somewhat concave and by the time it reaches a center passfire, it will still have some fuel standing on the sides, thus still producing sparks and a tail. When employing a delay, whether fuse or spolette, anything slower than quickmatch will end up as a gap between tail and effect. Same goes for pressing an increment of dark delay fuel.

Has anyone of you tried an off-center passfire yet? In theory that should minimize the amount of delay comp still burning in the engine when the header deploys but does it make a difference in practice?

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Off center passfires are, if not quite standard, are very common for the reasons you described.


To get what you want, you'll be wanting to press/ram the last increment or two without the spark producing material. You mention "Dark delay fuel". In reality this is generally plain old black powder without anything added to produce sparks.

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In addition to Seymour's suggestion, you can also use a time fuse on the header. Motor burns to delay everything goes dark and after a short pause the heading breaks.
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