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ZeRoX aqua stars


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ZeRoX aqua stars:

Well, this is my aqua composition:

Rocket propelant: 30

Zinc dust: 35

Mg dust: 5

Al flakes: 6-8

Dextrin: 5

Precedure/Preparation: 50/50 water/alcohol, cut, rolled and pumped, no prime needed

I used saltpeter sugar sulfur in 63/27/10 ratio and this preferred, but BP work too.









You should change it to what you actually used. That composition you used is totally different than the one you posted.






No, this is the composition I used, but the camera flashed..






How very odd, the camera flashed while you were taking a video?


This composition is very similar to my aqua star:



Except with the added danger of magnesium and aluminium (which I think would drown out the colour a lot). You should edit your post to list the precautions.


Might want to turn the flash off for the video next time too.






Very nice aqua star, but i think BP will make different effect.i want to see those stars in action (mine or shell)

you got movie?






"No, this is the composition I used, but the camera flashed.."


No, it isn't. Originally your formula said Black powder instead of rocket propellant. You used KNO3/Sugar/Sulfur. In case you missed a big chunk of pyro reading, there is no sugar in BP.






I modified the post..



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I just bought 1kg of Zinc dust, but this is a white stuff (like flour). Is it the right stuff? I am kinda confused about this.



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I asked several times on many stores if this is Zinc and not some other substitute, they said is Zinc.

I'll try this afternoon with some black powder to see what happens.


Normally people uses this stuff in paints (has something to do with color).

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heheh, IMO This is ZINC OXIDE, who is used in painting... it isn't good for pyro.

ps sorry for offtop...

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Oh well.... I just lost 3 euros :P

Damn! I guess i have to search again (it is so difficult to find stuff for Pyro here)


Sorry for the off-Topic :(

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