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This Is The Problem (21 and older discussion)


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DISCLAIMER: This is a 21 and older discussion. Children don't have a perspective to weigh in on things of this nature.


Recently "warthog" mentioned he is going to celebrate the "birth of 'Lord'" on Easter with shooting fireworks. We than debated this topic. The classical atheist vs. Biblical tales talk. To context, I was raised in Christian household and community, read my tales of Jesus and knew a few silly prayers. I explained that faith must be eradicated like a malignant cancer that it is-- the root of problems today as it was 2000 years ago. People are too cognitively limited to think for themselves and governments/ political orders exploit religious delusions.


Some say that atheists shouldn't attack religion because it makes them look like the religious nuts who proselytize their delusions and insecurities. Those "some" are the bystanders who allowed this religious nuttery to start in the first place. It is essential to fight religion tooth and nail because by fighting religion you take away the tools of the corrupt, those who want to use this same religion for their gains- Al Qaida and neo-conservative Republicans to name a few. Those two are just a dreadful combination since they benefit mutually from one another.


I present to you, the syphilis of modern age that is faith and religion. Fox News front page today:






Praising thy Lord thou shalt not.

Edited by RogueSwimmer
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Yeah, this isn't happening.


There are two things I really try to avoid people talking about here to the extent of borderline banning them. Those are religion and politics. Nothing causes more content, arguments, and bad blood than those two subjects both here and in world history. Just to make a few things clear. I do not tolerate putting others down for their beliefs. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and beliefs. This however goes both ways. Saying anyone who believes in the message of the bible is a moron, or saying non-believers are doomed to burn in hell are equally unwelcomed. My beliefs aside, I can't and won't side with anyone. It's really for the best to keep your views on these matters to yourself.

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