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First Lampares


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Awesome. BTW, what video editing software is that you and dag using?
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Awesome. BTW, what video editing software is that you and dag using?


If you want to try a decent editor you can download Vegas Movie Studio 9 right from their website for a month free trial. When that's getting close to over if you still want it order a hard copy on amazon for the activation code. If I remember right I paid less than $20. It's not as nice as a new editor obviously, but it handles HD and gets the job done.

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Awesome. BTW, what video editing software is that you and dag using?


WLMM, I have Adobe Premiere and Pinnacle but both of them are much slower to render and are clock hogs. Windows Live is much easier to use as well.



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i just thought the transitions and text were cool :rolleyes:
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If you really want to make cool videos, you will need a Mac.

Windows pales in comparison to the Mac for any graphics editing period.


Lampare are way up on my "To Do" list. Would you let us in on the construction methods used for these 3" ones? The bottles I can obtain easily for this sort of thing at the smallest a half a liter and I can fit that into a 3" shell. I have made some "Stealth Lampare" FCS's but I want to send some fuel aloft and do it right now.

Edited by warthog
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If you really want to make cool videos, you will need a Mac.

Windows pales in comparison to the Mac for any graphics editing period.


Not wanting to get into an argument with a member of the church of Jobs; the PC platform with like hardware does very close to the same rendering time as do Macs. Rendering farms never have Macs, they are always PC architecture due to the ease of ganging. 10 years ago, Macs ruled the media world but the hardware now is too close to make any significant differences now.


I own both PC and Mac, I use them both for all types of work and like one over the other depending what I do with them but Windows Live Movie Maker is about 17% faster at rendering then iMovie. Also, Quicktime SUCKS and BLOWS! Do a side by side witj like hardware and you will see for yourself.



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to each their own, I will not help Mr. Gates spy on me and if that is OK with you, grand! :)


I will stick with LInux for the most part and my trusty iMac for the rest. ;)

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They looked very nice indeed. I'm also curious what kind of set up you are using for 3" lampare.
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If you really want to make cool videos, you will need a Mac.

Windows pales in comparison to the Mac for any graphics editing period.


Total, utter horseshit. :D

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Not that I'm an expert in video editing but comparing two OS platforms for their video editing capabilities is a bit moot, since the OS's don't do video editing, 3rd party software does. Having said that, there is no question that a Unix based OS designed from the ground up as a multi user, network operating system is superior to one designed as a single user, non network PC OS for word processing and maybe playing video games. In the interest of backwards compatibilty, Windows has become a bloated OS with ugly spagetti code under the hood. They have coded around bugs and other issues instead of fixing them and now you need really beefy hardware just to run the OS and it still crashes, is still unreliable. It is not allowed in my house, but then neither is the Mac. Unix has been around forever, Mac just adopted it recently. Linux on Intel works for me.
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It is not allowed in my house, but then neither is the Mac. Unix has been around forever, Mac just adopted it recently. Linux on Intel works for me.


Good man : )


I would love to use Linux exclusively. I'm stuck with a dual-boot until I can get the adobe suite working on Linux.

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well, I am sorry I ever posted what I did now, thought the place was a little more able to keep from thread drift than this, my bad. whistle.gif2rolleyes.gif


I also use Linux, in fact I mostly use Linux. I just use my iMac because I like using it.


I would STILL like to see how these Lampare were made though.

I know how to make Lampare, just not ones this small. Anyone able to give me some pointers?

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I've never actually made a 3" lampare, but I have made them in every other size between 1.5" and 5". I've made them all the exact same way essentially. Stout tube, with a relatively good fitting bottle inside. HDPE or PETE seem the best suited. The bottles are packed in with sawdust, great stuff and/or caulk. I've had pretty good luck with caulk lately. It at least has a longer working shelf life than expanding foam. I was helping my dad redo the floor in his bathroom, and took the few partly empty tubes. It worked pretty well actually on a 5" shell, but you have to allow it ample time to set up before use. After 2-3 days it was solid as a rock. I guess it comes with the territory using products in alternative ways. The layers were much thicker than typical usage. I normally fill empty bottles, and use a funnel to fill with fuel when I am ready.


32oz gatorade bottes for 5"

20oz gatorade bottles for 4"

I think I used film canisters for 2"

My friend has special made small bottles for the 1 1/2"


From there it's the same bursting, spiking and pasting as always.

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Thanks Mumbles! I was more wondering the size of the bottle to be used in a small one and this has given me a number f good ideas. I made a 5" one once with a friend's help who has done a number of them but never one so small. I think by the video these little guys are every bit as fun to do though so perhaps it is time to experiment.! ;)
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I completely forgot to mention the 3" bottles I have in mind. I got too distracted by thinking about bigger lampares :) Often in cafeterias and even some grocery stores I see smaller dairy containers. I assume (maybe not a good idea), that these smaller containers are made of HDPE too. I'd guess they contain around 1-2 cups of material depending on height. They look to be about 2" in diameter. They contain milk in cafeterias, but in the stores I normally see them have things like half and half, heavy cream, etc. They may be a bit pricey source unless you insist on real cream in your coffee, but it's at least a starting point. It should be possible to find something similar sized.


Additionally, this type of bottle may be workable if you can find appropriate tubes. I had some at one point that would probably actually fit well. They were a bit oversized for normal 3" bottom shots, but they'd be great for lampares. The issue is finding an appropriate ID tube.




The HDPE forms are more suited to the "normal" bottom shot tubes we get from plastic rolls, and stuff, but they're rather tall. I guess most of my lampares are regularly too long for PGI competition, so who really cares anyway?



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Thanks for those links! I was also trying to find something suitable here:




I am nit in a hurry to make these though. Plate is full now with getting the place ready for winter.

Home ownership is a nice thing but it is a lot of work from time to time. ;)

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Good man : )


I would love to use Linux exclusively. I'm stuck with a dual-boot until I can get the adobe suite working on Linux.



I don't do a lot of fancy video editing. However, I do have the need to create DVDs from video taken from my camera. I use tools like dvgrab, ffmpeg and dvdauthor. I wrote a script that captured video from my camera, encoded, authored the DVD, burnt it and spit out a simple DVD with a chapter every two minutes. Connect the camera, put a DVD in the drive and type one command. Try that on a Windows box. I then decided to make the script more usefull and added functionality to process existing video and such. I ended up writing a GUI front end for it in C++/QT and got totally carried away. You're welcome to any code I have if you ever want to look into this.

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