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1" fountain entry


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I had some composition left overs laying around and decided to use them to make a fountain.


There was some meal, KNO3/Al (200 mesh)/S, C6 star leftovers, carbon powder and some sparkler mix in it.


This was the first fountain I ever made, but I am pleased with the result. ^_^


I think I drilled the core to deep or the comp burned way to fast since It erupted in a huge flame and shamefully it only burned effect charge for like 3 seconds or so.


Btw is a fountain considered a cake?


Ow yeah, I had to put the camera on it's side because otherwise the effect would not all be in the picture.




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No a fountain is not a cake sorry.


This is defintion of cake taking from pyro universe-


Cake – a repeating aerial firework consisting of many shots, named after its usual short, cake-like appearance. Cakes consist of one fuse attached to several tubes (sometimes hundreds) which fire in sequence, launching a variety effects into the air, including comets, crossettes, whistles, reports, mines, spinners, and flying fish.

Although i would like to note that its not always an aerial firework it can be numerous fountains linked together.

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