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star and comet supplier


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A while ago I was browsing and found A website that supplied stars for sale I wanted to check it out again but cant find it has anyone else seen this
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By browsing you are talking about this site or the internet in general? I remember a chinese person here posting his website that sold various commerical fireworks. By any chance are you talkin about this guy. Skylighter also sells commerical fireworks.



Do you remember any other details? You will need to be more specific if you want more help...



O by the way in the future you should provide more details. Not everyone will be kind enough to try and attempt such a vauge questions. I am feeling kind of nice today... -_-

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You WILL need a Federal permit to buy stars.


Like it or not, "stars" are explosives that fall under the same regulations as 1.3g (Class "B") items.


Anyone selling ready-to-use stars, that doesn't both HOLD a manufaturers permit, AND ask you for YOURS, is trouble waiting to happen.



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Yes, that is true, but assuming "we" have the permits, where could one find a supplier.


A friend of mine has been interested in buying stars for a long time, and this could be of some use. Frankly, although we might consider it proper to make our own stars, some people just don't have the time, but would still like to construct their own shells.


So, if anyone does know, kindly speak, or atleast give a company name so that I may search. :ph34r:

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Ah, OK, you have the permits then.

Never mind. :D


And I know there's at least one WPAG guildmember who sells stars. I can't recall who off the top of my head. But they're not cheap, that much I remember.


Sorry I can't help more.



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