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Silver Crackle Star w/Orange Tail


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The distinctive "rushing"sound indicates that the star composition utilizes coarse particle size Mg/Al/. I also see a golden/orange tail, this looks like C to me, not a metal like Fe/Ti which is more distinctive and not so subtle. My best guess is a winokur formulae with coarse grade Mg/Al.
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I knew this could be done with microstars, but I was hoping there was an alternative. Using microstars means there are two compositions that must be made and perfected to work well together. That means a ton of experimenting if that's the only way.
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I knew this could be done with microstars, but I was hoping there was an alternative. Using microstars means there are two compositions that must be made and perfected to work well together. That means a ton of experimenting if that's the only way.


You know there's a published ratio and formulas given in Hardt. I'd start there. Chances are it will get you something that works pretty well if not very similar to that effect.


KNO3 - 51.5

C - 33

S - 6.5

Al flitters - 3

Dex - 6


Mix 80 parts matrix to 20 parts dragon eggs and pump. Replace/add MgAl or Ti as you see fit. I do believe the stars burn pretty quick, so you may find you need to add some lampblack, coarse charcoal, or change the ratio a little to extend the tail.

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Yes Karlos is right, crackling micro stars, primed and then pressed in C8 comets. The silver you see is from the MgAl in the crackling.
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In display shows I've shot many (Chinese) crackling crossette shells that have the same (awesome) effect, with the added break of the x-ette.

I've made crackling comets using dragon eggs, but have not come close to the effect shown above, or what I've seen in displays.

I think the eggs need to be very small to get enough going to create the nice sizzle.

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