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DeadFX's Ammonium Perchlorate blues


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Name of composition: Deadfx's blue fire

Composition Type: colored fire

Creator: Deadfx

Color/Effect: blue colored flame

The Composition: (by weight)


I believe this is a video of the second compisition... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wP2ARXldqA


Compisition # 1 Small flame sluggish burn rate

Ammonium Perchlorate 55% 200 microns

Glycine 15%*

Hexamine 15%

Copper Sulfate 15%


Compisition #2 larger flame variable burn rate

Ammonium Perchlorate 60% 200 microns

Copper Tartrate 20%

Hexamine 20%*

+ very small amount of Water. Addition of water seems to some how improve burn rate for this compisition[up until a certain point of course]. The addition of water increases temperature of the mix slightly. 1-3 mL of water per 10grams should suffice prehaps a little more


5% of this chemical can be removed and replaced with 5% aluminum or benzoic acid to improve flame brightness. Aluminum causes the flame to look more of a sky blue while benzoic acid sometimes causes a "rainbow fire". Benzoic acid is more beneficial to the 2nd compisition.


Both compisitiosn can be easily ignited by a butane torch.


Any Precautions/Incompatabilities: Compisition #1 seems to be safe but do not assume it is harmless. As mentioned eariler the addition of water causes Compisition #2 to warm up ever so slightly and increases burn rate. IN large amounts this temperature increase might be extremely dangerous however in small quantities(10grams maybe more) it should not pose a danger. STORE THIS COmpisition at your own risk.



Add fuels first then oxidizer and stirr. If you wish to add water do that at the very end.



Will get pictures of both compisitions but I will not provide a comparision of aluminum vs benzoic vs standard(limited chemicals). I have a video[quicktime] to but I am ignorant as where to upload it to..



UPDATE: HERE are two pictures of compisition #1 ... I will be testing #2 very soon and will have pictures within 30 minutes (hopefully)


Compistion #1






Compistion #2

This picture doesn't do this baby justice. The flame is very impressive in real life. Im thinking of replacing some of the hexamine with a cooler burning fuel to produce a richer blue... ENJOY



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  • 2 months later...

Today I replaced the binders + hexamine with polybutadiene/Der epoxy in these ratios...


2.5 grams Pban

.5 grams epoxy

2.5 grams Copper tartrate

11grams AMmonium Perchlorate


This mixture burned really fast. A few seconds after igniton the mixture errupted into a blue ball of fire.

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That's a nice flame DeAdFX. It is a blue flame like mumbles said.

I like the orange colour on the tip of the flame with the blue underneath.

That rock looks like it's been used a lot. :D

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